What is the best hangover cure?!

Question: That actually works?

Answers: That actually works?

Drink a pint of milk before you go eat, get some carbs you, bread, chips etc. If you drink drinks with mixers, try like vodka and orange juice. Loooads of water when you get in as well obviously

a bacon sarnie

Not to Drink. :)

Drink plenty of water the night before....so's you dont dehydrate, then you wont wake up with a hangover!

The best hangover cure is not to get drunk in the first place.

Marmite on toast or crakers washed down with coke and a few glasses of water. Maybe not for everyone though.

A big bottle of diet coke and a very bad and greasy breakfast. It works for me. Oh, and don't forget the aspirin !

Usually I drink squirt, eat campbell's chicken noodle with crackers but to prevent hangovers I usually drink water in between beers or hard liquour. Hope this helps.

Don't Drink

alka seltzer and gatorade - pick whichever one you'd like to drink first

[I start with alka seltzer and if that stays down, I drink the Gatorade]

A shower helps tremendously, too.

something high in sugar,as a hang over is a result of your sugar levels dropping,


If they can't help you - nothing will!!!

The BEST way to quit hangover is drinking much more water & water or any fruit juice or liquid (except alcohol). Or if you get time, sleeping more is the other way. All these are to 'cure'----there is way of preventing it! After having too much drink, try to drink more water>toilet>water>toilet.... perhaps hangover wouldn't happen. Sometimes it happens due to the quality of the alcohol you drank! In that case, give a try---change the brand or type of alcohol.
One myth is there: my not-reliable friends suggested to gulp a straight peg ( I mean, without water) in the morning after awaking from sleep! They do so! But I don't find reason.

Fry up if you are not too bad.

Or just stay in bed all day (mostly what I do!)

I swear by having something light to eat before I go to bed after my night out and a few glasses of water, when I do this I'm usualy not too bad in the morning.

And stay off wine when you are out!!!

Cayenne is said to benefit a hangover as well as Homeopathic remedy Nux Vomica. Ansie or Fennel tea may help calm the stomach while increasing intake of Vitamins B and C which are water soluble and depleted more readily with the consumption of alcohol.

greasy food and Gatorade always works for me


bcon butty and a cup of tea for breakfast, also when you get in drink loads of water and take a couple of paracetmol when you first wake up, then go back to bed

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