Do you think the benifits of smoking marijuana outweigh the negatives?!

Question: Do you think that smoking marijuana has more benefits or drawbacks?

Answers: Do you think that smoking marijuana has more benefits or drawbacks?

More benefits.

If it were completely legalized, then there wouldn't be any drawbacks. I would smoke it all the time!

People who say that it "causes cancer" or "kills brain cells" are just very uninformed! And it doesn't help that there isn't much research done on it. The reason for that is that it isn't new and expensive. There isn't big money and promise in it for the major drug companies.

There is no way it kills brain cells, causes cancer, makes people fat, destroys memory, makes one lazy and worthless, etc. This is just what people who don't know anything about it say. They are thinking of cigarettes and real drugs.

Marijuana is all natural and very healthy. Altered substances like cocaine, heroin, meth and speed are much more dangerous because they aren't natural and they are much more addictive and harmful to your body! They have nothing in common with pot! Because pot isn't legal there is a chance of getting some that is tampered with or has something else in it, so that makes it potentially dangerous. That is why it should be legalized.

I find it very helpful for pain.The drawback is the munchies.

For whom? For certain cancer patients, for example, I do think it has greater positive effect than negative.

For most people, no, the negative effects outweigh the positive ones. At least, from a medical standpoint.

If you are asking for pain management...I think that there are no drawbacks.
If you are asking for recreational use, I don't see very many drawbacks, M-J is much less destructive to the body than "regular" cigarettes or alcohol.
The only drawback that I am aware of is longterm loss of intelligence.

Unfortunately, Marijuana is much more dangerous than smoking or drinking. Because unlike those Marijuana can affect your brain immedietly after use. I have heard stories even in the medical community about how someone who used marijuana to ease cancer pain but got addicted to it after remmission and died from it become it caused cancer to come back. So the health benefits, while there may be some, are certainly not worth it if there are other availible possibilities. not to mention its a gateway drug to worse illegal drugs.

at first it seems to have more benifits. BUT the longer you do it, the more the scale tips.....then b4 you know it the negitives are all you have left (and of course an addiction)

I don't like the stoned effect,it has been suggested I try eating it for pain management,which if the opportunity arises,perhaps I will.

very bad for the lungs, as are cigarettes. intoxicant means putting toxins into our bodies, why would we want to put toxins into our body? would we put something into our car that is bad for our car? but we do it to our body because it's our body and we can do what ever we want. how childish. we pay for it all later when the body breaks down due to abuse. often, we don't have respect for our bodies, our society, our environment or each other. the body is a gift from God and needs to be treated with respect.

Not so much smoking pot... anything you smoke is bad for the lungs. I suggest brownies!

yes i believe it does

the drawback is its illegal and if you smoke it it is bad for your resperatory system just like smoking cigarets so i think the negatives outweigh the positives in the long run

Its a 50/50. I smoke. I love how it makes me feel after I have been in pain. But I hate afterwords once it starts to ware off....Iv noticed that I have changed a bit. A little more air headed, my memory a little off, spacey, lazy + tired at times lol.... But I don't have a problem with it every now and then. Its far more better then crack, heroin, meth, acid, shrooms, PCP, LSD, speed-balls ect.....I will never go that far. I want to be an addictions counselor. So I am learning a lot about drugs.

I lost my job to pot....So its a love and hate relationship for me. I need to clean up my thoughts and see whats more important. Cut back and get high on life more! lol

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