Master Cleanse for 5 days!

Question: Master Cleanse for 5 days
My husband and I are going to do the Master Cleanse!. We keep putting it off because we can't seem to find 10 days in a row where we don't have an engagement or other commitment where it would be difficult to do this!. We have 5 days coming up where we can definitely do this!. Is it better to do it for 5 days and then do the 10 day cleanse again later or should we just wait until when we can do a full 10 days!? Thanks!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

My mom is on the master cleanser too!. I gave up after a day - too hard for me!
Today was my moms fouth day and today is the first day her bowels have moved!.!.!. that means that there are alot more toxins to get rid of that may take a few more days!. She is going to do 7 days on the detox and 2 days of orange juice!.
I would say it is bad to starve yourself for 5 days and then go out and have a 3 or 4 course meal!.
I would personally wait until I have the 10 days so then I can do it then!. But until then, try doing little changes!. Substituting sweets for apples are just one but very effective things you can do!.
Eating advocados also target the mid section and rids the fat from the stomach area, that is the love handles!. :(
Maybe you could do one day of fasting for now, and one day of orange juice!.!.!. this will also be a mini test for both of you because this cleanser is very hard to do!

The site below is a newish enough diet that when on it, targets the midsection area!. If you and your partner LOVE food, then I would suggest you both go on this diet!.!.!.
There is also a 4 day detox at the start of this diet where you drink smoothies and "Sassy Water" - water with cucumber and ginger and a few other ingredients!.

But a detox is good now and again, but note that the weight does come back on and sometimes more comes on!. That is why they are called detoxes and not diets!.
If you are looking to rid the toxins from your body - try the master cleanse, if you are looking to loose weight, do the flatbellydiet!
Good luck and hopefully you'll be a lot more healthier and happier in a few months!


It's better to lose weight the old way!. exercise and polyunsaturated fatty acids as opposed to saturated fats!. Cleansing systems usually only get you to lose water weight and often prevent absorption of many essential nutrients!. Also the best way to get rid of toxins is to eat diets low in fat rather than try to get rid of them!. Because most toxins like naphthalene are fat soluble, and because your liver can only work so fast, its only going to detoxify you if you limit intake while losing weightWww@Answer-Health@Com

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