Please help!what options in alternative medicine can help me with Trigeminal neu!

Question: Please help!what options in alternative medicine can help me with Trigeminal neuralgia ,atypical facial pain?
Hi everyone,i had a root canal done and for months i have had excruciating pain on that tooth gum cheekbones and its on both sides of my face and terrible pain in my ear,is there anything hat can relieve this pain in natural medicine,like acupuncture or alternative medicines?i know there is a surgery for this but it can leave your face paralyzed,and the only other option is ant seizure medications to relax pain in the nerve and muscles but dosent always work and i feel that is a drastic measure to take that medication but i cannot sleep and the pain is absolutely atrocious,any advice much appreciated thanks very Much


Heather, I hate to hear of your suffering. It's painful and excruciating I can imagine. Have you tried neuro-muscular reorientation? I'm a certified massage therapist with 18 years of experience with pain management. I have successfully treated and relieved the pain of many TMJ suffers with neuro-muscular therapy. By adding elasticity and length to the muscles in that area and reorientating them to release pressure off of the nerves. Also there may be scare tissues that build immediately after surgery or trauma that could very well be the source of your discomfort. With therapeutic massage applied appropriately the adhesions and scare tissues can be broken down. Please seek a qualified certified massage therapist before taking any western medications.
Sharon Pelle
I Touch U, Inc.
510 814-7287, Touch Institute.

People who make a study of pain will tell you that trigeminal pain is the worst there is - worse than giving birth or kidney stones - so I would suggest the medication, and if the medication doesn't work, I would suggest considering botox, and if that doesn't work, I would consider the sugery.

You can try something like cranial sacral work, but only give it a few tries before deciding it works or not, don't let someone talk you into 6 months of treatments, alright?

dope is not the answer, obviously. see an hio method upper cervical specific chiropractor. often injuries will not heal completely if nerve interference is present.

Try Homeopathy or Acupuncture before you even think about having surgery.

You can try some castor oil packs at home... apply castor oil TOPICALLY over the area (see link to trigeminal nerve pic.) Place a cloth over that to prevent "smearing" of the oil. And then place a hot water bottle over top for about 20 minutes. Finish by applying ice for about 5 min. You can do this in cycles... hot/cold, hot/cold, hot/cold. It's important to finish on cold. This will help heal the inflammation and may alleviate the pain.…

NOTE: If you have young children in the home, be sure to put the castor oil up out of reach. If they drank it, they'd have severe diarrhea and cramping which could be dangerous for little ones.

And I've had some excellent results using acupuncture to treat trigeminal neuralgia. I agree that you may want to give it a try before you go the surgery route, which has a number of significant risks.

naturopathic doctor

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