How IBS should be treated?!

Question: How IBS should be treated?

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Regardless of the type...diarrhea or constipation, the first choice is fiber. The fiber bring together the loose stool and the fiber will loosen the constipation. Also plenty of water. If it continues you may need to see a doctor and have a colonoscopy.

The treatment strategy of IBS depends on the severity of the disorder . Most of the IBS patients have mild symptoms. They are usually cared for in primary care practices, have little or no psychosocial difficulties, and do not seek health care often. Treatment usually involves education, reassurance, and dietary/lifestyle changes. A smaller portion have moderate symptoms that are usually intermittent and correlate with altered gut physiology, e.g., worsened with eating or stress and relieved by defecation. Treatments include gut-acting pharmacologic agents such as antispasmodics, antidiarrheals, fiber supplements, and the newer gut serotonin modulatorsA small proportion of IBS patients have severe and refractory symptoms, are usually seen in referral centers, and frequently have constant pain and psychosocial difficulties.This group of patients is best managed with antidepressants and other psychological treatments.

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 18`Edition

In order to learn about IBS natural cures, and avoiding of any kind of drugs you need to see This is one of the best video which tells about IBS cures with out any kind of drug usage.

Honey & apple cider vinagar. in warm water is the cheapest best way to regulate the body.

Also doing a 3 day water fast will reset your body back to normal.

By reducing stress and by making sure you eat a diet which is high in fibre. Sometimes hypnotherapy can help.

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