Stimulant for inattentive add?!

Question: Stimulant for inattentive add?
I'm going to a psychiatrist for my inattentive ADD next Saturday and was curious as to if they commonly prescribe a stimulant for inattentive ADD? And if so what is the most common prescription? One last thing is it common that they will prescribe a benzo/sleep aid if I am put on a stimulant and already take 40-70 minutes to fall asleep.


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Actually the term "ADD" is no longer used (except by the general public), only attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is used and it has three subtypes- predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, predominantly inattentive (formerly known as ADD), and combined type.

Stimulants are indicated for any type of ADHD and there is not any specific drug that is best for inattentive ADHD although amphetamines (Adderall, Dexedrine, Desoxyn, Vyvanse) may be somewhat more effective than methylphenidate.

In The United States the most prescribed medication for ADHD is Adderall XR (mixed amphetamine salts extended-release) followed by Concerta (methylphenidate extended-release).

However depending on your specific medical and financial needs and the doctors preference you may be prescribed another medication.

Doctors do, at times, prescribe benzodiazepines or other hypnotics to people taking stimulants although it is avoided. There is no contraindication and some doctors are more willing to prescribe both and some are NOT willing to prescribe both at all.

Typically the medication Catapres (clonidine) is used in patients with ADHD who have comorbid insomnia or stimulant-induced insomnia. Clonidine, which is actually an antihypertensive (it reduces blood pressure) is not only sedating but it is also effective for ADHD (when used with a stimulant or alone). In fact the FDA has approved Kapvay (clonidine extended-release) for monotherapy or adjacent to a stimulant for ADHD.

Clonidine and the related medication Tenex (guanfacine) are not always effective or appropriate so other medication including Restoril (temazepam) may be used.

Also it is more likely a doctor will prescribe Strattera (atomoxetine), a non-stimulant used for ADHD, in patients with insomnia since Strattera is less likely to effect it. Desyrel (trazodone), an antidepressant with sedating properties at low doses, is also commonly used for insomnia.

It really is impossible to say what will happen since all doctors are different and medication will be dependent on your symptoms.

M.D., C.M. psychiatry, internal medicine (Québec)
Hons. BSc pharmacology

The most commonly prescribed ADD medication to my knowledge is Adderall XR 30mg
It is unlikely a doctor will put you on a medication mixture of mixed amphetamine salts and benzodiapines. The reason being obviously amphetamine speeds your heart up, and benzodiapines slow your heart down, which confuses your brain and leads to death. This is basically a much less extreme, although yet still possibly lethal, form of a "speedball" (street term for a combination of cocaine and heroin)

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