Anti anxiety foods and meal plan?!

Question: Anti anxiety foods and meal plan?
Hello-I recently started ortho tricyclin lo-and for some odd reason, my anxiety and nausea has shot through the roof! I normally have spells of anxiety right before my cycle-one reason why BC seemed to be a good route go. I called my doctor and pharmacist to find out if this is typical for this medication-they said it 'could be' and that some of my symptoms were side effects and to stay on it. I've only been on it a week and the symptoms are pretty much like my PMS.
I've looked up some foods that help anxiety but don't seem to have much luck find a meal planner. During pregnancy they have a ton of suggested meals and snack planners. Can anyone help me find something similar but for anxiety? Or at least give me some more ideas on more foods other than salmon, tuna, nuts, flax, dark green veggies, ext. Please help!


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

To start, it's a good idea to eliminate all stimulants - coffee, chocolate, black tea, etc., and choose a low-gluten diet. Regular fruits like apple, banana, dried fruits (raisin, apricots) strengthen the nervous system. Sometimes supplementing with magnesium, iron, vitamin B6, folic acid can improve your conditions.

foods that aren't too salty

Years ago, I was put on a BC that made me very nauseous and that went away when put on a different kind. So, yes, nausea can happen.

More recently (now that I am older) I find I cannot tolerate any estrogen replacements. Even the bio-identical forms. Doesn't matter if by pill, cream, or patch. It creates TERRIBLE anxiety (along with some depression) if I take it. The anxiety was the worst.

If your anxiety is related to hormone levels, it sounds like you just need to try different types of BC until you find one that works for you. The only food item that I had heard about to decrease anxiety is using fresh ginger root. Also, maybe increased intake of foods that contain tryptophan like turkey, milk, etc. Maybe research into some supplements like Evening Primrose oil, Omega 3's, Holy Basil.

Good luck

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