Do fish oil tablets really work?!

Question: Do fish oil tablets really work?
I've been contemplating. For my memorization and to boost up my grade.


Fish oil tablets increase the rate of your brain working. Fish oil also helps cure these common problems.

Firstly, EPA & DHA, the two fundamental components of fish oil and fish oil supplements, are extremely important omega 3 fatty acids which are now being used to help prevent and treat the following diseases and symptoms:

- Arthritis
- Migraine headaches
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Breast Cancer
- Gastric ulcers
- Cardiac arrhythmia
- Polymyalgia rheumatica
- Inflammatory bowel diseases
- Bronchial Asthma
- Rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis
- Skin conditions (such as Psoriasis & Eczema)
- High cholesterol and triglyceride levels
- Depression
- Stress
- Poor memory or brain disfunction
- Poor concentration
- Bipolar
- Schizophrenia as well as a wide variety of mental ilnesses
- General maintenance and enhancement of bodily functions

The reason is that fish oil contains a high proportion of "omega 3 fatty acids" (most importantly EPA & DHA), something which we as humans need to grow, develop and function normally. These days, fish oil and fish supplements are so essential in our diets that they are as commonly found on store shelves as headache relief pills and are available for purchase anywhere in the world from supermarkets and deli's to chemists, pharmacies and health food stores.

It’s now well understood and accepted by most doctors and clinicians that omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil are highly beneficial. Many experiments and scientific research has been conducted over the last few years to determine how useful fish oil is in our diets when taken regularly and consistently and the results of these tests are astonishing. You only need to scour the millions of medical journals of scientific research and conclusions that have been drawn as a result of this research, to realise that there is a consistently positive chain of conclusions that resonates from fish oil research organisations, hospitals and clinics.

So, what exactly are the scientifically proven fish oil benefits and fish oil supplement benefits? We'll begin by explaining the significant health advantages you can gain by taking the recommended daily intake of fish oil or fish oil supplements and then elaborate on how fish oil is being used to help prevent and treat specific conditions.

Yes, fish oil is great for brain functions. Other benefits to you include:

Fish oil may help reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases.
Fish oil may aid in weight loss.
Fish oil may help improve blood circulation.
Fish oil may help strengthen the immune system and fight diseases caused by various bacteria and viruses.
Fish oil may be useful in treating arthritis and rheumatism.
Fish oil may help relieve depression, anxiety and other mental health concerns.
Fish oil may help in the treatment of certain eye disorders.
Fish oil may help improve the state of the skin.

Take no more than 2 supplements per day, though, as big doses might have create side effects.…

Yes good for your skin, hair, colesteral, eyes and many other things. Contains the good type fats your body needs. Also flax seed oil is very good, a combo of both and it I'll keep ya good and heathy. Keep your flax seed oil in the fridge. Also watch the experiry dates on bottles.

Yes, I started taking them in grade 4 and am still taking them now.
when I started talking them my grades boosted and my memory improved.
so yes TAKE THEMMM they will help you sooo much :)

My experience

yahh just dont burp after takin them , youll burp fishy ew haha

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