Does Prednisolone Steriod Tablet help Muscle Growth? other effects to please?!

Question: Does Prednisolone Steriod Tablet help Muscle Growth? other effects to please?
I have had a kidney transplant an i was put on prednisolone steriods, I was asked if this medication would like to be stopped.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being on them?

im nearly 12 stone of muscle and i dont want to lose this, or lose my high sex drive!!


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

As a kidney patient who's been on steroids (although not a transplant recipient), I became bloated, overweight, my appetite increased, and it irritated my stomach, which was previously made of cast iron. But people have very different reactions to it otherwise. I was very energetic and happy; other people get irritable and moody. Prednisone is not healthy for your other organs over long periods of time. See what your options are as far as tapering off.

Prednisone will not build muscle.

It will thin your bones, raise your blood pressure, raise your cholesterol, raise your blood sugar, potentially cause cateracts and/or glaucoma, make you gain weight, trick your mind into thinking you're hungry, make you retain fluids and sodium. You may find increased heartburn. It will cause impaired wound healing and bruising.

The dosage will be decreased over time. You should reach a maintenance dose after the first year but it will also depend if your transplant centre discontinues the use of prednisone/prednisolone as part of your anti-rejection cocktail of drugs. Some do, some don't.

Prednisone does not affect your sex drive.

The downside of not being on steroids daily is that if you do pick up any infection, illness, have a rejection episode, etc. they will put you back on steroids immediately.

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