I want to try weed but I'm afraid of is dangers...?!

Question: I want to try weed but I'm afraid of is dangers...?
Like paranoia,memroy loss & panic attacks.
I don't like cigs,alcohol & hash too.


Why dont you try getting good grades in school, OR why dont you try going to college? Try getting a job and focusing on a career!? Or how about sports or some physical activity/interest/hobbies? How about finding someone special and having a special relationship?

These are all the things I STOOPED doing for 10 years of my life because I got the stupid idea to smoke weed when I was 15, drink alcohol, and than on to other drugs, cocaine, etc. Some time in prison, burning myself out to a crisp, loss of motivation. I went through treatment and got my first job at almost age 30. Basically started life 10 years late after some STUPID decisions!

Panic or Anxiety attacks can be debilitating. They don't always have a rational explanation. I know from personal experience how horrible they can be.

There is an excellent (and extremely effective) program that addresses the problems associated with panic or anxiety disorder.

I would urge you to investigate it. There are tons of resources, videos, articles and testimonials of people like you who have been helped. The link is http://lets-start-over.com/PanicAway

amore212121, isn't it time to get your life back?

Wishing you the best!

MJ is illegal, because it gets you high, not because it is dangerous.
Marijuana has more positive than negative effects. Truly the only reliable source of marijuana info comes from the Physician's Desk Reference. Many of the studies in the PDR are direct conflict with what is told to the general public about the safety of marijuana. For example the PDR says that it has shown to have protective properties to the myelin sheaths of the brain, and neutralize Nero toxins, a reason why a treatment and preventative measure for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's is Marinol, a drug derivative of marijuana. PDR also states that marijuana also has anti cancer and tumor properties, as well as bronchial dilator demonstrating that it has also shown to stop asthma attacks. Of course PDR says it increases eating and help with recovery of cancer and HIV patients, as well as pain management. Some negatives increase in heart rate and changes in blood pressure. While this is no problem for a normal healthy adult, if you have a preexisting heart condition this change in heart rate and BP could cause a heart attack, kind like exercise. As far as brain function marijuana will make you stronger in verbal skill, and weaker in math skills on a modern intelligents test, once you stop verbal and math skills balance back out. Just check out superhigh me documentary. So there you go. The real truth. Remember if it is not in the PDR then it is invalid propaganda. Paid for by pharmaceutical companies that are threatened by the benefits of marijuana. Believe that their is a marijuana conspiracy. No one company can patient marijuana, and make billions of $$ off of it, so the major drug companies and governments hate it and anyone that uses it. They want you hooked on their legal sh!%, like anti anxiety, anti depression, pain meds, and eventually the drugs they charge crazy prices for to treat Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, that moderate marijuana use would have prevented in the first place. Drug companies and our own government wants you to get these diseases so they can rake in the $$. They don't like seeing profits spread out to the general public that grows and sells marijuana.
Rasta was always right. "Ganja heals a man's mind and ultimately the earth itself"

So there you go, I don't encourage anyone to start smoking, but this is marijuana's reality. I have used MJ since I was 16, Sixteen years later, I am now a research lab scientist, and a standing combat instructor. I have never suffered ANY problems with athletics or intelligence, and I don't smoke cigs or drink much.


I'm the same as you. Hell, I have a lot of mental disorders. I tried it for the first time last month. Its not dangerous at all. But usually youu don't get high the first few times. it can't be worse then cigs or alcohol. Alcohol kills thousands each year. Cigs kill thousands as well. Weed kills no one except for a few dumb kids who get "inspired" by it. The only reason its illegal is because of commercialism and money.

You only live once, try it out a little at a time, you will quickly know whether you like it or not. Don't believe all the "dangers" which are mostly exagerrated or just plain wrong. I've been toking it up for 16 years and loving it, all while becoming a successful millionaire.

umm your only paranoid if ur in public... i dont have memory loss, i have no panic attacks...
I hate cigs, i hate alcohol and hash... Weed doesnt bother me.
The stuff they say about weed isnt usually true, its not very addicting unless its all u think about. Just try it out of a pipe (Blunts and Joints are crappy and make the weed taste bad and make u feel like ur smoking cigs!).. decide what u think, if u dont like it, dont do it!


dont try it when you do it then it becomes addictive and you will spend all your money on it and you will end up having nothing left and you will ruin you life dont do it youll regret it x

i don't think it'll give you any harm ;)

Definitely don't try it, It will mess up your life so badly you will regret ever living it.

If you don't like the other stuff , then you probably won't like weed either. Best not to try it.

Don't do drugs stay away from that crap.

Don't. All those things will happen and worse. You'll go crazy in your own mind. Honestly it's not a good idea. I wouldn't

it wont mess up ur life... its not crack.. or meth!!! but no its not good for ur health and its not legal.. but u only live once... right?? feedback:missepic1997@yahoo.com

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