Got prescribe medicine?!

Question: Got prescribe medicine?
I got prescribed Metronidazol. My local pharmacy called to have it picked up, but i dont know what i have. Do I just have a BV infection? Would my doctor have talked to me herself if I have Trich? Please help! I wanna know what I have :(


I just got put on the same medication for bacterial vaginosis. However, the medication is also used for bacterial peritonitis, liver abscess, abscess of the ovaries, abscess of the Fallopian tubes, intestinal parasites, and trichomonas. Your doctor should have talked to you about why you needed to take the medication. If they did not, you need to call your doctor's office and find out. Regardless of what you have, your doctor should have told you. You should NEVER take a prescription medication without knowing why you are taking it.

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