Pros and cons of weed?!

Question: Pros and cons of weed?
So lately I've been getting really interested in weed and I would just like to know, from a professional stand point, what are the pros and cons? I know it gets you into a blissful state which would be a pro but being caught with it could get you in a lot of trouble which is a con. Are there others? Please, no judgement. Professional answers only, please and thank you :)


You can't say it *doesn't* kill braincells. However, it's accurate to say there's absolutely no evidence of it killing brain cells.

For pros, everything, even the mundane, becomes exceptionally interesting. Bad TV, walks at night, music, reading, games, everything is more fun. I've met so many people just by smoking some buds with them, and generally, they're all very good people. The stereotype of the pot smoker living in their parent's basement is pretty much a blatant lie. Many highly successful people are regular smokers and are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. Like many other things, there's good and bad people who partake.

Cons, smoking anything isn't healthy. This can be beaten if you use a vaporizer, but they tend to be expensive. Paranoia is common for newbie smokers, it was for me. Obviously the legal aspect is a problem, but the sanctions leveled against you if caught with a misdemeanors amount for your first time are pretty light. A fine, maybe some probation, depending on your location. The one real noticeable con that I had was a condition called "Anhedonia." Basically, if you're a regular smoker and suddenly need to stop for whatever reason, it becomes difficult to find enjoyment in things while not high, and you may find yourself constantly thinking about wanting to smoke. I've experienced this once for a week or so, but since then, I picked up and left the weed habit several times with really no problem.

not a professional, sorry.

Pros- Some patients who have cancer are prescribed it for them to mellow and cope with the pain

Cons- Cannabis affects your coordination, which is one of the reasons why drug driving is just as illegal as drink driving.

Some people think cannabis is harmless just because it’s a plant – but it isn’t harmless. Cannabis, like tobacco, has lots of chemical 'nasties', which can cause lung disease and possibly cancer with long-term or heavy use, especially as it is often mixed with tobacco and smoked without a filter.

Cannabis itself can affect many different systems in the body, including the heart: It increases the heart rate and can affect blood pressure.

And obviously it's a class b drug so it's illegal

Hope this helps :)


-Gets you high, albeit a pretty tame high, characterized by giddiness, joy, and hunger.
-Has some medical applications and benefits for patients with certain diseases.
-Is pretty cheap.


-Difficult to find without any connections.
-Lung damage, similar to cigarettes but worse (often not in the long run since cigarettes are MUCH more addictive).
-Linked to short term memory loss among other things, but usually only after prolonged use.
-It's illegal. And not just 'a slap on the wrist' illegal, but highly illegal, in most areas it's 'as illegal' as drugs like cocaine or heroin. Too illegal to really want to bother with it in my opinion (and yes, I've tried it).

There are no pros. When it makes you "happy", it's not a true happiness. All weed does is destroy your lungs. If you want to die or possibly get cancer, then sure, take it. Make a stupid choice. :P

Pros: Makes you happier, more confident, better taste in music, hungrier. Cons: non filter smokes can hurt your lunges with tar. Doesn't kill brain cells by the way

Pros: It's awesome!
Cons: I don't remember...

Regarding H's comment, marijuana and tobacco are in no way equatable. Marijuana is an anti-oxidant ( it prevents cancer ) and tobacco is an oxidant ( it induces cancer ). Marijuana does not cause any diseases. Now, any type of smoke is harmful, to the lungs among other things. That is why medical marijuana proponents promote eating it. But if you don't plan on smoking marijuana anywhere close to the amount that tobacco users smoke tobacco than you will be fine. It causes a higher heart rate, yes, but so does running. I would not advise smoking if you are no great health cardio wise, but I would recommended laying off that great scourge to society--sugar and fat-- first. And yes, it causes higher blood pressure, but not permanently, and so does sugar and fat. Look up Steve Kubby, he needs that high blood pressure, suffers from hyper-tension and would have been dead decades ago if it weren't for marijuana. Too bad the government has tried multiple times to put him in jail for saving his own life, and having been successful a few times led him to piss blood in his cell

Here is an interesting thing. People often say marijuana leads to other things, that it is a "gateway drug". One, that is wrong, what is seen is a statistical correlation, not a causal one; people who have done heroin probably have done weed, but most of half the population ( those who have smoked weed ) probably hasn't done heroin. Two, if if it were true it is only because it is illegal. Legalizing it would take it out of the illegal black market of drugs. In places with lenient marijuana laws, like the Netherlands, use by teenagers is lower than in America, adult use is about the same, and use of hard drugs is much lower.

The director of undergraduate economic studies at Harvard University, Jeffrey Miron, who's main field of focus is drugs. He pushes for the legalization of all drugs, especially marijuana. Look him up.

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