Focus Pills for Nursing School?!

Question: Focus Pills for Nursing School?
I'm having trouble absorbing information in nursing school and holding on to it. Can anyone recommend a good "study pill?" I DO NOT have ADHD, just trouble holding on to information.


Bacopa - there are actually quite a few studies behind it as far as helping with attention and recall.…
There you can read some reviews too....

Also, don't underestimate memory tricks. Some of the best minds of the last few centuries used them…

And I too would steer clear of Rx drugs for the sake of school. That's just a bad idea waiting to happen.

well thats simple, an opiate analgesic will do the trick, bullcrap that it would effect in a negative way, it opens up the minds windows, allowing you to see endless possibilities and retain anything. but what do i know, im just a "pothead"...whatever that translates to. Haha just messing around about that even though its true, i understand you cant be doing that stuff when you got a nursing career ahead of you. I suggest you go to your doctor and explain your situation. Maybe you can get something that can help you out, i wish you luck.

There's no such thing. Learning how to study effectively is an art, and that's where you need to get some coaching.
Getting in the habit of popping pills is bad news, esp. if you want to go into this field as an occupation. There are already enough MD's and Nurses who are drug addicts.

ADD medications will help, even if you don't have ADD.

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