Marijuana used as a cure for speed addiction?!


Marijuana used as a cure for speed addiction?

what are your thoughts? personnally ,i know it works! would the public think it through? or throw the idea away like your tax dollers hard at work for this war on drugs!


i would defineatly try to make the change to marijuana speed can kill you and there has never been a recorded death in history from OD on marijuana i have only been smokin marijuana for maybe 2 years and the only possible effect it has give me is less endurance but hey if thats such a big deal why not ban cigarrettes? and another thing people always say smoking marijuana is like smoking 3 cigarettes or 10 whatever you want to say it is but compare the number of cigarettes to the number of times you smoke marijuana and thats a rediculous thing to say......comparing marijuana to cigarettes is just another way to make it sound so bad and the reason people think it is bad is because its illegal and all of the misleading marijuana commercials you see on tv

Average Deaths a Year:
Tobacco kills about 390,000.
Alcohol kills about 80,000.
Cocaine kills about 2,200.
Heroin kills about 2,000.
Aspirin kills about 2,000.
Marijuana kills 0.
No recorded death from marijuana, ever.

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