Anybody ever used Acupuncture to treat allergies/sinus problems?!


Anybody ever used Acupuncture to treat allergies/sinus problems?

If so; what was the outcome?


I tried it twice, first time in New Your with a top acupuncturist for 3 appointments and the second time in San Francisco with another great acupuncturist for 2 appointments...
Besides being uncomfortable with all the needles around, I did not achieve A THING!!
I just lost money. . they told me that I should continue the treatment until , I feel better, but after 5 times of needle torture I did not get ANY relief...... well... I went back to my Zyrtec and Allegra and felt better!
I have tried all the possible traditional and non traditional methods to control my allergies (mine are seasonal) without any luck, it is just a waste of time and personally I never met no one that had a good outcome after acupuncture and 2 of my friends tried it. I think is all about faith and if you think it can work and you believe it can work .... who know , it may work! personally... I am an Engineer, and do not believe much in things that are not scientifically proved!.... I may try a few things out of curiosity , but I need facts and data!

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