Why use unproven medicines from plants when there are so many tested proven med!


Why use unproven medicines from plants when there are so many tested proven medicines?

There are thousands of proven and tested medicines made from chemicals that can be reproduced exactly each time. Why use alternative medicine? Nature can't teach us anything new.

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2 weeks ago
Excellent Answers. Please keep them coming.

2 weeks ago
Thank you.These are exceptional answers. Byderule has let the cat out of the bag. I was acting as devil's advocate and wow has it produced great results. It would be really great if you can keep the answers coming.

2 weeks ago
Alternative health is a moral and ethical system. By considered observation of nature and natural systems alternative health practitioners recognize and use patterns and natural principles to design sustainable solutions to every day problems. Alternative health may not be defined as one discipline. It is the connecting system between disciplines. It is a whole systems approach to living. The whole is greater than it's sum of parts so diversity is key. Alternative health ethics of Earth care, Fair Shares and People Care support and rely on reciprocity.

Alternative health demonstrates that all relationships are reciprocal. We can use Systems Theory from Social work (Meyer, 1983:29-30). This approach recognizes the interrelatedness of people and their environments. It seeks a balanced approach for best, not perfect, fit.

2 weeks ago
Systems theory demonstrates the relationship between the person, the family, community along with the social, economic and political environment that people are also part of. Systems Theory states that a person functions as part of many systems and that each of these systems are equally affected by the system itself and equally it itself effects the system. A change in one part of the system has consequences for other systems or parts of that system. The core aims of all systems is to seek balance and attain goals. Problems occur when there is a poor fit between the person and the systems which they are part of.

2 weeks ago
It recognizes that all systems have boundaries and are made of of subsystems and that all systems creates feedback. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (Hoffman and Sallee, 1994) System theory seeks partnership in participation. It recognizes that practitioners facilitate change but are not expert. The person themselves is unique so is expert in their own problem and environment. It recognizes social connections and is holistic.

2 weeks ago
As you can see I support Alternative Health practice. I am demonstrating that Permaculture and other disciplines have the same principles and ethics. See my answer to Byderule's question 'Should Permaculture be a Sub-Category of Environment'. I have changed the words Alternative Health with Permaculture. We are more similar than different and should work together for the same aims. Thank you. Amazing Answers. And yes, I am into herbal medicine for those who noticed my name. Thanks belladonnadeadlynightshade.


Here's just a partial listing of drugs of natural origin used TODAY. Some 25% of the current USPS is botanical or animal in origin and this doesn't even begin to include mineral-based meds. In the 1800's the percentage of medicines that were botanical or animal in origin was closer to 80%. During one of the World Wars (sorry to be so imprecise...I'll look up which one later.), the Russians ran out of sulpha drugs during a pneumonia epidemic. They had to resort to using garlic and other "home remedies". When the Russian physicians checked their survival vs. death rates, they found they had MUCH better rates of survival w/ garlic and home remedies than they did w/ the sulpha drugs. Go ahead. Tell me herbal medicine doesn't work, and that all herbalists and alternative practitioners are quacks. Go ahead. Tell me.

1) Aspirin (originally from Salix species of White Willow; used to treat pain, inflammation, etc.)
2) Vincristine (used to treat Childhood Leukemia; comes from Madagascar Periwinkle)
3) Quinine (used to treat Malaria; comes from Qhinchona and Quassia barks)
4) Morphine, codeine, laudanum (used in treatment of intractible pain; comes from sap of opium poppy)
5) Insulin (originally from pork, cow and sheep pancreases; was life-saving in its day; now is genetically engineered)
6) Heparin (used to treat DVT and blood clots in other sites; originally from bovine and porcine sources; another life saver!)
7) Castor oil (used in midwifery to bring on labor)
8) Senna, cascara sagrada (used as laxatives)
9) Psyllium husks (used as fiber supplement)
10) A drug called BCNU from Scutellaria Baicalensis derived from the root of Baikal Scullcap and is used to treat Brain Cancers in humans.
11) Digitalis (used to treat heart arrhythias, and as a cardiac stimulant; comes from Foxglove; used in this country since 1775 by whites, and long, long before by native peoples)
12) Epinephrine (comes from Ephedra, ma huang, Brigham tea and other related plants; now synthesized as Pseudoepinephrine; used to treat asthma, allergies, sinus conditions and other lung and adrenal disorders)
13) Paregoric (also from opium poppies; used to treat diarrhea)
14) Curare (used to as a paralyzing agent in surgeries and intubations; comes from the skin of an Amazonian Rain Forest frog)
15) Malt Soupex; maltex; maltose (from barley malt; used to this day to loosen bowels, aid in treatment of constipation)
16) Penicillin (derived from a mold, which is a plant folks; used to kill bacteria and to treat bacterial infections)
17) Reserpine (derived from an Asian shrub; used to treat high blood pressure

This is just the merest tip of the iceberg. Folks NEED to remember that the AMA came into existence NOT to protect the public, but as a lobbying, trade union of sorts and governing agency to protect doctors, and to put all other competitors--chiropractors, herbalists, midwives, naturopaths--out of business. Just b/c something is "new" or "scientific" or "FDA approved", does NOT mean it's been tested enough, is without side effects, or that it's good for you.

PS: Herbs CAN and do have side effects folks, so please don't kid yourselves about that.

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