Apple cider vinegar+baking soda?!


Apple cider vinegar+baking soda?

i have started taking acv +baking soda for promoting hair growth. i have some bald patches . plz tell me if it will help. its a big problem .if u can help plz write back. does mixing baking decrease its efficacy.has any one tried drinking acv.


Sorry, I have never heard of this combo making anyone's hair grow. Baking soda is taken to lower one's blood PH level. Vinegar is good in the rinse water for removing excess soap & neutralizing the effect of chlorine in the water.

In alternative medicine, we would look for the root cause of your hair loss and treat that - not just the symptoms. There are lots of reasons why one's hair might start falling out.

If you are not eating properly, or are anorexic, a multi-vitamin might help. I recommed one from the health food store called Pure Essence One-n-Only, or something similar.

If you've just had a child, or a miscarriage, hormone fluctuations can cause temporary hair loss. As things calm down, it will come back in naturally. Taking Vitex extract can help restore hormone balance more quickly.

If you are under an undo amount of stress, B-vitamins may help. I would take a B-50 complex from a reputable company: NOW Foods, Pioneer, Solaray. Always take w/ food to prevent upset stomach.

There are several formulas put together for regrowing hair more quickly. They work for some women but not for others, depending on what is causing the hair loss. Most of these products contain Fo-ti, Nettles, Saw Palmetto, vitamins & minerals

One safe thing to do is to drink Nettles tea or take a capsule of Nettles extract everyday. It is an excellent mineral source and is known to help block the production of DHT.

Another helpful thing is to either buy Weleda hair oil w/ rosemary or mix 8-10 drops rosemary oil in a tablespoon of olive oil and use this to massage into your scalp. Rosemary is known to stimulate new hair growth. (Contraindicated in pregnancy and hypertension.)

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