Horse flies really hurt! help!?!


Horse flies really hurt! help!?

hi, I was walking my dog in a feild with long grass and have been bitten all over by horse flies, god! they really hurt, some kind of poision has spread out from the bites about 2-3 inches and they have gone red and swollen. I have put sting cream on and taken an antihystamine (sp), but they are still driving me crazy. What can I do?

(my dog is fine btw, also I have been stung by bees/wasps before and it did not hurt like this, should i see a doctor or is there a natural alternative?)

sorry for crossposting, my little brother has been bitten now too :(


about 2 weeks ago i got bit by about 12 horseflies while out walking and they were the same as you described, i took everything but my mom suggested putting vinegar on them which i did and the next day they had gone down cosiderbly

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