Is bio laser chelation theraphy really effective and what are the side effects i!


Is bio laser chelation theraphy really effective and what are the side effects if any. is it just a quackery?

Is bio laser chelation theraphy really effective and what are the side effects if any. Is it just a quackery? Where does it originate?


Chelation is based on a chemical called EDTA, which is a synthetic amino acid. It was discovered my a German scientist during the Nazi era and is considered to be the only viable treatment for lead poisoning to this day.

Chelation comes from a Greek word meaning "claw," and chemically that is what happens. The EDTA "claws" or chelates other chemicals from the blood, which then end up in the kidneys and are flushed out through the urine.

Numerous studies have shown that IV chelation is vastly more effective than oral chelation, but many people prefer oral chelation because they want to believe they can get all the benefits without a needle. The study data is clear though: IV chelation is the most effective method.

Other research shows that EDTA can chelate calcium as well. This may be very helpful for people with hypercalcemia, which leads to congestive heart failure.

Trivia: Combining calcium and a diuretic is a known risk factor for hypercalcemia. I personally believe that the surge in popularity of lattes and other milk-based caffeine beverages (milk = calcium and caffeine = diuretic), drank in large amounts on a daily basis will lead to an epidemic of congestive heart failure.

Anyway, laser chelation therapy...exactly what is a photon supposed to "claw"? I wouldn't dismiss it outright. Drug companies and the ignorant want you to believe everything is "quackery" either just because they don't know what it is (the ignorant) or because they don't have a patent on it (the drug companies).

Photos have a very bioactive effect on just about every living thing on earth. Plants literally make food from the sun and you eat the plants. Photons stimulate your own body to manufacture Vitamin D and also has regulatory effects on serotonin levels. The body also has natural chelators so it is possible that the photons from a properly used laser might stimulate immune system activity and that's what is doing the chelation.

However, consider what chelation is and then look at it from that view point. Compare it to heavily published research around EDTA chelation. Any new science will obviously have less research associated with it. That is what it is. Less research doesn't make something less valid but it does mean you need to read the research more carefully and separate conjecture and assertions from direct observation.

Lastly, while double blind studies can be a helpful tool in some areas of science, don't forget that direct observation is still valid. Only an idiot thinks that it takes a double-blind study to prove that touching a hot stove is what burned you.

An open mind isn't an ignorant one...

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