Has anyone used Paraclean? or had parasites in the body?!


Has anyone used Paraclean? or had parasites in the body?

Has anyone ever used Paraclean? or have had parasites in the body?
If you look at www.paraclean.com it states that 85% of people have parasites and a cleanser is good to do. They suggest twice a year. Has anyone done this? When you did, did you crap worms? What happened?
They say if you eat sushi, you are more likely to get it. I like funny comments believe me but I am needed just a few serious ones. Look at the videos on www.paraclean.com if you don't know what I'm talking about- please, you may have worms too.


I had parasites over two years ago. My problem started with a break out (rash) on one of my ankles which was so itchy no matter what I put on it it still kept itching especially when I got warm in bed at night. I could not keep from scratching and got infection and no matter what the doctors tried on it it would just be at peace for a short time and then start in again. I got in touch with a Certified Heatlh Consultant who works with suppllements, and she told me I had a yeast infection, and she introduced me to her Herbalist and he said I had parasites and I was horrified. He also told me I was addicted to sugar and carbohydrates. He informed me that sugar feeds the yeast and so I had to come off sugar in all forms, and stop all carbs that had sugar, molasses, or honey. The yeast had to be dealt with before attacking the parasites. I also had to come off all white stuff especially white breads, rice, pasta, and anything that had white flour because the white things turn into a paste in your intestines and it sticks the parasites to the walls of your intestines, and so he has formulated a powerful but gentle combination of supplements to cleanse the colon. I have changed my whole way and foods I eat. I never had any gross large things that I have seen others have, but I had pin worms and round worms one being about 10 inches long but they were dead when they came out as one of the cleanse regeme is a parasite killer. I think if I would see one move I would faint, as I detest any worm or snake. One night while sitting here working on my computor my one eye started to quiver and I just thought it was a nerve twitching, and it kind of moved across the bottom of my eye I later realized it was a pinworm. The Herbalist says we should have a cleanse every change of seasons, and sometime oftener depending on where we go or what type of work we do.
I have never felt better in my life, and have lost 48 pounds and four dress sizes. You can contact me if you care to.
We need to get rid of those creepy crawlers as they eat the nutrients in the food we eat and leave all their garbage inside of us, and there are so many chemicals and additives in everything now that our immune system is so busy fighting off the toxins it can not build up our immune system so people are getting sick over and over and over.

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