Vertigo-anyone else out there used herbal or alternative treatments? I'm on stem!


Vertigo-anyone else out there used herbal or alternative treatments? I'm on stemetil to treat it at present.

I have been off work for a week, after a sudden violent attack of vomiting and vertigo, for which I was hospitalised. There does not seem to be any specific cause - perhaps a viral infection, I've been told. The treatment I am on is Stemetil; 3 times a day; Serc; 3 times a day.I still feel very dizzy and disorientated - walk like I am drunk. I have read that Ginkgo Bilboa can be helpful in these cases; has anyone used it? Or has anyone any suggestions for exercises, or other treatments? I cannot go back to work until this settles; I'm a supervisor in a very busy clinic, and I need to be on top form to be at work.
I'm open to complementary therapies of any sort; I just feel really strange and "out of it".


I was off work with it for 3months when they finally decided to send me to a ear, nose and throat specialist who sent me to the hearing therapy who gave me exercises to retrain the brain into not thinking that vertigo is normal. They basically included making yourself dizzy like bending over and looking left and right and spinning around but are done with your eyes closed. basicaly bend over with your head between your legs and then look left and look right whilst bent over ten times. and just bend over ten times. Also do the dosey doe with someone (you will have your eyes closed) and spin 10 times one way and ten times the other. Also sit on chair and get up and spin one way and sit down. Now alternate which way everytime for 10 times. Then do it so you sit, stand spin one way and then the other and then sit down for 10 times.There are others but i will be here all day and i can't reall remember them. Hope this helps as I no the feeling, I really can't stand it when it comes on, They have no idea what causes mine at all. Again i got the line,we think a virus started it. Basically they have no idea what really causes vertigo.

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