Is the claim that magnets improve healing and circulation in the human body true!


Is the claim that magnets improve healing and circulation in the human body true or false?

Firstly, the iron in our blood is not a metal, Am I right?

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3 months ago
dog'n'2c…,That's not what they'll tell you. They'll say something about the iron in the blood being attracted to the magnet and pushing it away at the same time, increasing circulation. I don't see how else it would do what they claim. Suppose I'm right and I'm sure that I am, that the iron in blood is a different composition to the metal in the ground, then, something in the blood must be have qualities that are attracted to the magnet. Magnets can only do one thing as far as I know and that is attract a metal. Also, A magnet can only push another magnet away and not a metal, so if it did attract the blood, it would hold it all in one place and surely cause an imballance if anything.

3 months ago
According to
Magnetic therapy-no proven benefits

[Posted: Sat 07/01/2006]

Magnet therapy has no proven benefits and any healing effect that is experienced by patients is likely to be small, American researchers have said.

Magnetic devices which claim to be therapeutic include magnetic bracelets, insoles, knee bands and neck braces. Annual sales of these products are estimated at around $1 billion globally.

However according to Professor Leonard Finegold and Professor Bruce Flamm, many studies involving magnetic therapy are suspect because it is difficult to blind subjects to the presence of a magnet. This is different to, for example, drug studies, where placebos can be used.

They also warn that self treatment with magnetic devices may result in an underlying medical condition being left untreated.

"Magnets are touted by successful athletes and allowed to be advertised and sold without restrictions, so it is not surprising that lay people think th


Yes is the answer but in SOME people. What is useless to one person can be miraculous to the next. People are INDIVIDUAL with individual responses to anything that comes their way. Just think about foods to get an idea about this! Ty the way, the iron in blood is nothing to do with magnetics!

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