Is Homeopathic medicine able to treat vitiligo 100%? Ever hear of Pigmentum Trea!


Is Homeopathic medicine able to treat vitiligo 100%? Ever hear of Pigmentum Treatment?

I've had vitiligo for about 8 years or so, pretty much i've learned to deal with it since supposively there is no cure for it, but recently i ran into someone who told me about some homepopathic treatment that says to work 100 % in their treatment. I started doing research and found one homeopathic product which says to work 100 % to cure the illness. It's called "Pigmentum". It seems pretty confident in its abilitiy to cure it (100 % total curabilty actually, in a period of just 4 months) it has plenty of costumer testimonials and even offers a money back guarantee if not completely satisfied. I'm just curious on whether anyone out there has tried it or even just heard of it or anything about homeopathic medicine being able to cure this, period. I just don't want to waste my time with something that won't work. Thank You.


Hi Lexus Nut,
According to homoeopathic philosophy, vitiligo is not a disease in itself but an expression of an inner disturbed state of the body. Thus, the cure should occur at a level where things have gone wrong. I not know product Pigmentum. Most likely this product very new and scientifically not checked. I not recommend this product for use.

Treating vitiligo would always prove to be risky. The side effects of treatments are as unpredictable the disorder’s cause. That is why vitiligo treatment should always be done with utmost care and patience.

One of the newest treatments for vitiligo is laser treatment therapy. Just like photo therapy, it uses ultraviolet rays to stimulate the melanocytes in your skin. Unlike photo therapy, however, it focuses the light using a laser, so it promises to be more effective and causes fewer side effects.
Jason Homan

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