Alternative to prednisone for Addison's disease?!


Alternative to prednisone for Addison's disease?

is there any alternative to prednisone for Addison's disease?

Thank you for your comments and time


I've been on prednisone for 3 months now. I do not suffer from Addison's, but I take this steriod to decrease my immune response to allergens. It does have many negative effects such as a swollen gut, sleeplessness, & untimely food cravings.

These effects aren't very favorable, but this drug has saved my life more than once. They may be another type of steroid you can use for Addison's disease. I would discuss this with your doctor at your next visit.

In the meantime, DO NOT just stop your prednisone. This is one of the drugs that you must be weaned off of because of withdrawal effects.

Good luck & I hope you find something that works for you

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