Help! I needed a quick home remedy for an ear infection?!


Help! I needed a quick home remedy for an ear infection?

I'm at work and my left ear is completly clod feeling, almost like when you go up a mountain and your ear drums haven't popes yet. no pain yet.

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3 months ago
I understand I've got to vist the doc. but right now its 2am and I'm at work. i've heard of vinger and water am I right or will this hurt me more?


I know you probably don't have swimmers ear but the stuff sold for it has a variety of uses. It's easy to make also without having to pay for an expensive medicine. Simply mix equal parts of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol and water and place in your ear. Rinse, repeat if necessary. Make sure to use warm water for comfort.

I have chronic ear infections and this works to unclog my ears regularly.

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