How can i manually dilate my pupils?!


How can i manually dilate my pupils?

i know your eyes dilate automatically in the dark nbut how can i dilate them with out having to have darkness is there any house hold meds or things i can put in my eyes to dilate them this may not make sense to you but i need to know this

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3 months ago
dont ask why but i need to know how to dilate my pupils without going into the dark and yes i know it can be harmfull but i dont care if you know anything please tell me such as putting something in my eyes or nt house hold meds i can take??

3 months ago
what some of you may not understand is that i want to dilate them but idont know how other than steeling from my eye doctor which im not gonna do



Atropine blocks muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. Acetylcholine (ACh) is the neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system and blocking its action means the pupil cannot constrict.

Cocaine inhibits the reuptake of noradrenaline within a nerve synapse. When a solution of cocaine is dropped into the eye, noradrenaline is no longer reabsorbed by neurons, and its levels increase. Noradrenaline, the neurotransmitter for the SNS, causes dilation of the pupil. Many other drugs such as amphetamines and psychedelic drugs (LSD, psychedelic mushrooms, mescaline, MDMA, Datura stramonium) are also known to cause mydriasis. The mydriasis caused by cocaine is used as a diagnostic test for Horner's Syndrome, in which the pupil is not dilated by cocaine.

Antihistamines and tricyclic antidepressants may cause mydriasis.

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