My ear keeps plugging up? How do you clean them out?!


My ear keeps plugging up? How do you clean them out?

My ENT has warned me never ever ever to use qtips in my ears. But whenever i get a sinus infection, my ear plugs up for months. Does anybody know of any at home remedies to clean them out?

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3 months ago
Thanx for the diagnosis hearkat, but I need a solution! :)
FYI, the sinus infection is long gone, but the ear is still plugged.


The clogged sensation you get from sinus/upper respiratory infections (URI) is NOT the same as an accumulation of wax in your outer ear. The Eustachian tube that connects the middle ear space behind the eardrum to the back of the throat can become inflamed from a URI or allergies, or blocked by enlarged tonsils or adenoids.

When it is unable to open and close to regulate the air pressure in the middle ear, you can get a build-up of negative pressure, similar to when you are on an airplane. This can be quite painful, even when the pressure is not at a level that is considered abnormal or pathologic. You might also find that your hearing is muffled and there may also be ringing in the effected ear(s).

To help relieve the pressure, heat and steam are often recommended. You can also hold your mouth and nose closed and blow gently to force air pressure up through the Eustachian tube to 'pop' your ear. This is called the ValSalva maneuver, and can also be used during air travel or other altitude/pressure changes. Just use caution that if you do have a lot of mucus in your nose, that you don't blow so hard that it forces the mucus up into the ear.

If it persists, the pressure can lead to a build-up of fluid in the middle ear space, which may block your hearing even more. If the fluid becomes infected, you will also have pain and fever. If left untreated, the infection could cause the eardrum to rupture, or the infection can spread to the mastoid bones around the ear, or even cross over into the brain in rare, extreme cases.

If this sensation tends to last for months after a URI, consult your ENT to discuss trying a nasal spray to help reduce inflammation and congestion. You may also want to be tested for allergies, if you haven't already.

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