How can GERD by solved?!


How can GERD by solved?


Eating foods or drinking beverages flavored with spearmint, peppermint, or other spices with strong aromatic oils causes relaxation of the LES and can contribute to symptoms in people with GERD.

Chocolate also relaxes the LES and can cause heartburn.

Acidic beverages like juices, coffee, and tea have also been linked to increased heartburn pain, as have carbonated drinks, alcohol, and milk.

Herbs that may be helpful:

Licorice, particularly as chewable deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL),is as effective as cimetidine (Tagamet®), a common drug used to treat GERD.

Other herbs traditionally used to treat reflux and heartburn include digestive demulcents (soothing agents) such as aloe vera, slippery elm, bladderwrack, and marshmallow.

When the esophagus is inflamed by acid reflux, aloe vera juice can provide quick, soothing relief by reducing acid output and soothing and coating the mucous membranes. Aloe vera juice is not the same as the herb aloe, which is a potent laxative.

If you're troubled by frequent indigestion or if food feels "heavy" on your stomach, consider taking some digestive enzymes with each meal. Double the recommended dose if you've eaten an especially large meal.

Self-Care Remedies
Eat frequent small meals instead of one or two large ones; this will prevent excess production of stomach acid.

Limit problem substances, such as coffee (including decaf), alcohol and fatty foods.

A pleasant alternative to coffee after a meal is a cup of warm herbal tea--chamomile, ginger, peppermint, marshmallow, meadowsweet or slippery elm--which has the added benefit of relieving heartburn discomfort.

Stay up at least three hours after eating your last meal or large snack before going to bed.

Raising the head of your bed several inches will put gravity to use in preventing reflux during the night.

Chewing gum can provide short-term heartburn relief by stimulating the production of saliva, which dilutes and flushes out stomach acid. Drinking a glass of lukewarm water after a meal may produce a similar effect.

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