Chronic Neck Pain. Can you suggest some new treatments?!


Chronic Neck Pain. Can you suggest some new treatments?

My shoulder/neck muscles are so tense/hard, it causes severe headaches, pinched nerves and swelling/pain in my arms. The MRI shows nothing. Aside from every possible med I have used for pain/relaxer, I have used - ultra sound, chiropratics, massage, acupunture, physical therapy and warm water pool therapy.

Does anyone know of anyother treatments?


Change your diet. Eat all natural foods. Skip refined sugar and flour (white bread). Some people are super sensitive to food additives and chemicals.
Also, lack of vitamins causes muscle pain. Take a calcium supplement and eat bananas. They have potassium. B vitamins will also help.
Gentle exersize will help too. Roll your head in circles. Roll your sholders. Streach, very gently, all the muscles.

Read "Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About". It changed my life.

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