Bad Toe Nails?!


Bad Toe Nails?

My toenails have fungus or whatever (yellowish and brittle).

What might I do about this without using fancy medicine?


Hi Bandicoot.
Unfortunately, toenail fungus is difficult to treat because your feet are warm, in a dark environment and moist. Abnormal pH level of the skin, trauma to the nail, unhygienic feet and decreased immunity of the body permit this disease.

There are many highly successful non-surgical treatments for fungus toenails that give long term relief by treating the abnormal infection. To treat toenail fungus apply tea tree oil to all areas of the toenail and toe that are affected by the fungus. Garlic has also been shown over the years to be a great way to fight even the most persistent cases of toenail fungus. Griseofulvin too has been shown to eliminate toenail fungus after continued use for one year. This safe non-toxic all natural formula helps eliminate toenail fungus or fingernal fungus while the nail grows. You can also try soaking your nails in band-aid in oregano oil. Please look article:
You should see a podiatrist who can take a culture of the nails - it is my advice.
Jason Homan

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