Beginings of toe fungus?!


Beginings of toe fungus?

I have what seems to be the beginning of toe nail fungus on one of my nails. How can I remedy this problem?


using tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is a potent natural antiseptic and fungicide that will help fight your fungus. Apply undiluted tea tree oil with olive oil to the affected toe nail. Alternatively you can put few drops of tea tree oil on toenails and rub it thoroughly every day.

Using Listerine mouthwash
Soak your toes in Listerine mouthwash. The powerful antiseptic leaves your toe nails looking healthy.

warm water and natural apple cider vinegar
Soak your toenails for 15 - 20 minutes in basin full of warm water and natural apple cider vinegar mixed in equal proportion. When done, dry your toenails thoroughly. Use a hair dryer on warm setting to absorb all the moisture in and around the toes

Tea tree oil and Lavender oil
Put equal amount of tea tree oil and lavender oil on a cotton ball or swab. Dab it under the top edge of the toe nail and surrounding area 2 or 3 times a day. Tea tree oil is natural antibiotic and lavender will help fight the infection and prevent skin irritation

Using Oregano and Olive oil
Blend 2 drops of Oregano essential oil with a tsp of olive oil. Apply this mixture on the affected area daily for NOT more than three weeks. Oregano essential oil has antiseptic, antibacterial, antiparasitical, antiviral, analgesic and antifungal properties

AHA creams
Lather AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) creams on to your feet before going to bed. This will flush the rough scaly skin from your feet that is more prone to growing fungus

Diet for Toe nail fungus
Diet plays a very vital role in curing any ailment. People suffering from toe nail fungus should include more probiotics – good bacteria, in their diet. This will help your body to get rid of the fungus. Yogurt and kefir are good sources of probiotics. Reduce intake of refined carbs like sugar, dairy products and vinegar. Olive leaf extract is an excellent internal anti-fungal agent.

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