Mercury removal?!


Mercury removal?

What is helpful in removing mercury from the body that is safe for an adolescent boy?

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4 months ago
Mercury is a toxin. Children get it from vaccinations (in the highest concentration mush more so than the mercury in fish) that contain thimiserol. Thimiserol is banned in Europe but not in USA which is why we have such a high rate of autism.
I think chelation works for removal only after the mercury is released.

4 months ago
You would have to either work for a pharmaceutical company or have a financial stake in keeping poisonous vaccinations on the market to actually promote thimiserol. Check into actual SCIENTIFIC studies not done by the drug manufacturers themselves and you'll find all the proof you need. The mercury in thimiserol is far worse than that in fish and given to infants.


Chelation therapy.

Depuration therapy (far infra-red saunas).

Less effective, but still useful would be high supplemental intakes of nutrients that bind and assist in the removal of mercury: Vitamin C, Alpha-lipoic Acid, and N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) would be helpful.

Sherry Rogers, M.D. has written an excellent book on detoxification called: "Detoxify or Die". I highly recommend it. It is available from

Best wishes and good luck.

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