Does everybody know Vladyslaw Patcow (Hungary ) / deblockings of the spine ?!


Does everybody know Vladyslaw Patcow (Hungary ) / deblockings of the spine ?

My little son suffers from cerebral palsy. he had had epillepsy from birth to his third year. Than it disappeared by taking medicine. Now I had his cerebral palsy trateted by a Hungarian doktor named Vladyslaw Patcow , who was a guest in New York. He did 3-4 deblockings of the spine (in my own flat). About 3 Weeks after the therapy the epillepsy started again. first of all week but last week so strong, that my son was in hospital after a status. The US- doctors do not kwow what causes his seizures and I can not reach Vladyslaw Patcow !
Does everybody know how to reach Vladyslaw Patcow? Does everybody know enything about deblockings of the spine ?
Schould iI tell the US- doctors about the deblockings of the spine?

Thank You!

Sam Morreo


Well I dont know any Vladyslaw Patkow, but I know a clinic where such a treatment is done (in Ukraine, not in Hungary). Check that maybe:

And tell your doktors about this therapy. They must know it to help your son.

Next time please do not do such " hometreatments". A good doctor treats in a clinic, a sanatory...and will tell you his name , his adress and how to contact him in case of problems before starting a therapy. I really can understand that you are looking for any possible help, for your child. But a bad doctor might more harm than help!!!!

Bes wishes!

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