IS there any way to know if you have depression without going to a doctor?!

Question: i'm sad alot of the time these days and i sometimes even cut :( i really wanna no if its depression and i cant talk to my parents coz their part of the reason i'm sad. if it is depression... is there any way i can be not depressed without getting medication from a doctor?

Answers: i'm sad alot of the time these days and i sometimes even cut :( i really wanna no if its depression and i cant talk to my parents coz their part of the reason i'm sad. if it is depression... is there any way i can be not depressed without getting medication from a doctor?

You can call childline free and confidentially if you are in the U.K. The phonelines are busy so please keep trying until you get through

Telephone number 0800 1111

You can also try speaking to a nurse on NHS direct or contact a mental Health Charity such as Mind, Sane or Rethink

There are many causes and types of depression so you need to speak to an expert about what help you need.
It may be that you need a better diet or more sunlight for example, or it may be that you need proper guidance from an adult to sort out some big issue that you can't manage on your own.

I recommend that you give Childline a call first. They have a lot of experience of helping young people in your sitatuation and it is completely confidential. Best of luck.

Well technically being sad is almost the same as being depressed, if your cutting, then I'd say your deffintly depressed. I'm not sure, but I think that the health department might be able to help you with councling and other things like that, even when your trying to hide it.

To be honest with you, Medical intervention is only part of the solution that you need in order to combat depression. Your lifestyle and home life must change in order for you to beat it.There are so many forms of depression that knowing where to start at diagnosing it is a mammoth task in itself and should only be looked into by a medical professional.
Harming yourself is a definite sign of depression and not talking to your parents and what it is that they are doing will only make things worse. Speak to your parents and tell them how you feel and what it is that they are doing which is adding to your condition. I would seriously consider talking to your GP who will, if he/she is any good, refer you to a specialist and believe me, when you go to them they will ask you to talk about things. It could take many, many sessions over periods of months in order to get to the root cause of what it is that is making you feel this way but if you choose to ignore your depression then it will consume you until you stop cutting yourself and you start the attempts at ending your own life. I'd also like to add that i get the distinct impression that your already thinking of an attempt at suicide in the way you have written your question. Please, i implore you to talk to your doctor first then talk to your parents. It will be your first step down the road to recovery.

Are you:
Eating less than usual/More than usual
Sleeping more than usual
Having difficulty getting to/staying asleep
Disinterested in spending time with your friends/family
Disinterested in things you used to enjoy
Doing poorly at work/school when you previously did well?

If you answered yes to most of these questions, its time to talk with someone about the way that you are feeling. This can be your guidance counselor, a teacher, minister (pastor, priest, rabbi...). Anyone of these people can talk with you and, possibly, facilitate a conversation between you and your parents. This conversation could (should) lead to some family counseling and conflict resolution.
Good Luck and Happy New Year

You've had some excellent answers here so I'd just like to recommend a website I use on the odd occasion. stands for National Self Harm Network and is a forum for people like yourself who self-harm. I personally find it easier to express how I'm feeling on-line and I think you'll find support there. This is something you could do 'on top of' other things that have been suggested, as you need professional help by the sounds of things. The fact you've posted a couple of questions on Yahoo answers is an encouraging sign, as it does show you want to get the help you need. Best of luck - I hope things improve for you soon.

depression is a chemical imbalance in your brain nothing really to do with emotions but it might explain as to why you're said

there's no way to get over depression unless its self brought on other then going on medication

otherwise try to think happy thoughts and talk to someone about it as talking does help a lot

but if you really think you are depressed you have to tell your parents and get it seen to

I agree that nshn is a good site for support (I have it on in a different tab at this moment).

Do you think you can combat your depression yourself? Its very unlikely unless it is mild depression in which case more exercise and eating better can help it to go away. From your desciption, suicide attempts and self harm tend to signify major depression rather than mild, so I doubt you'd be able to treat it yourself.

The best place to go is to your doctor. they could do a number of things, they may prescribe medication, thy may make a referal to a counceelor, they may refer you to camht (childrens and adolescents mental helth team), they may just suggest a few changes to your lifestyle and see if that improves anything. Please take it seriously though, and brushing your depression under the carpet won't help at all.

Things you could do to help yourself (this is not a cure) include distractions. Watching a film, playing a game etc. moderate exercise daily, go for a walk in the park for exapmle. Eating more healthily such as plenty of fruit and veg and less 'junk'. Being around people even if you don't feel like it, isolating yourself will only make things worse. Talking about you problems rather than bottling them up.

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