How can someone beat depression without going on Dr. dope?!

Question: Building strong relationships is the key.. my girlfriend has been fighting depression for a long time (over 5 years) .. i stick with her and do everything i can to help her whenever she feels down..

good luck.. and keep the faith :o)

Answers: Building strong relationships is the key.. my girlfriend has been fighting depression for a long time (over 5 years) .. i stick with her and do everything i can to help her whenever she feels down..

good luck.. and keep the faith :o)


Lots of exercise, sleep, healthy food and sunlight.

talk to your friends, play a fun game, keep your mind busy

make sure your diet is good and you exercise regularly....look into what's making you depressed. And have some chocolate.

friends. music. hobbies. sports.

Smile from every organ in your body and help the endorphine to get through, it's physical! Exercise, help people, and take zoloft is not a bad idea! No need to see Dr. Dope, it's expensive, do not drink alcohol, just watch happy movies and stay still and something inside you will give you answers. You know better why you are like that, either not assertive enough or clinical. Welcome change! You will be ok, have faith!

i take 5 htp for my moody months. you can get it at walmart, walgreens, anywhere. i take 2 at a time -- i think thats 100 mgs.


Joining a club, or a socio-civic group in your community that is involved in some form of social work, can help you understand that there are more needy people out there who needs your help. The activities might broaden your horizon and make you feel appreciated and needed.

Sometimes you can't if it is a chemical imbalance. First you need to figure out why you are depressed, Job, relationship. what ever. Then you have to figure out a plan to rectify the situation. You also need to find an interest that can occupy your mind. Stay busy, find something you enjoy and take one day at a time. Go to support groups. AA has many resources for different problems other than drinking. Try calling them and asking if they have a support group for your issues. Good luck

You learn to cope. I don't know of anyone who ever beat depression totally.

You need to do three things.

Diet. Cut out the junk food and eat heathier (less red meat, more white meat and raw veggies)

get out into the sun. many people have Seasonal affectiveness disorder. You may need "x" amount of sunlight to feel better

exercise. Get those endorphans flowing to naturally elevate your mood. Even if you just take a brisk walk for half an hour (and it gets you out into the sun as well), it may keep you from needing prozac or lexipro

Exercise, healthy foods and vitamins.

You can give it a try. Exercise regularly, get sunlight or even go to the tanning bed once a week or so. It makes me feel energized. Make time for yourself. Go to the mall, or walk through the local zoo or museum. Get a new pet. Studies show people with pets are not as depressed as non pet owners. Get a new haircut, change your style a bit. These are just a few of the things that help people feel good about themselves. If you or someone you know is suffering from severe depression please seek medical advise. Medication may be the best option.

it's hard to want friends and exercise when you're depressed. if you can keep friends, I know, sometimes its too much work to keep them, then try that. But if you are severely depressed, you can't make/keep friends, you can't get outside for sunlight. You physically cannot do any of this. Then you will have to take medication. Sometimes it takes taking medicine to get the energy to do all the right things then with your doctor's help, you can slowly come off the drugs and then be able to handle your depression without medication.

you connot 'beat' depression. it is not a state of mind but a chemical imballance which to many people take lightly but is life threating and hundreds of people die every year especially teenagers. depression is a real desease and not just a bad mood. don't play with it. it can kill you. but don't be ashamed to get help either, getting help saved my live fifteen years ago,,, enough said?

Dear friend,
Realize the 'SELF' and your depression will never visit you again.
You are a beatiful kid of most beloved,Lovefull, Blissful, Peacefull and ever pure God father. How a daughter or Son of, such a great father can ever get depression in life...?

Practice Rajyoga Meditation and you will never have this problem throughout your life and i am 100% sure about this.
All the best!

"Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down!"

What is this sugar, this sweetness that is necessary?
How does one locate it?
Is for sale or is it free?
The "beautiful creation" known as nature that surrounds us, has been called an elixir, a sweetness, a sugar, a remedy!
When a human is separated from this, it has been known to create an emptiness within man. Emptiness, a void, is also known to cause depression.
People need to get out and enjoy this sweetness. It helps fill the void. It helps fill the emptiness.
The sun, the moon, the sky, the stars, the trees, all the animals never find fault with man. Its man that finds fault with man. If man gets out into nature, nature rubs off some of that peacefulness, and man absorbs that peacefulness.
Its the lack of peacefulness within man, that causes depression. Peacefulness fills the void.
Get out and get going! Its nature, and nature charges man nothing. Dr. Dope hates nature, because it effects the good Dr's bank account.

"Peace be always with you",

Def agree with Jerry Z! One of the main sources of help with depression is good social circle and people you can talk too.

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