How much is YOUR time worth, in minutes?!

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Answers: Please elaborate.

my time is worth alot to me. If i had to put a dollar value on it, i would say $1 a minute to do something i dont want to do. I only have one life to live and i dont know how long i will be around for, so my time to my worth alot to me. Most of the time i only spend time doing what i want to do.

Well it all depends on the Situation say you were paying me $60
and hr to do something for you and I was working a 45 hr week and your were giving me a travel allowance to pay for travel time and fuel and that was my standard rate my time would be worth $1 a minute for doing that job.

Then say you came to me with really horrible job and offered me $180 a hr and I said no way I'm not doing it for that hell no but then i did it for $240 then in order for me to do that job my time is worth $4 a minute

If I am being a good friend and actively listening to a friend that is not doing well, my time is worth a lot.

If I am with someone that only talks about themselves and does not care about other people, my time is not worth very much.

I think the more my time is worth, the more drained it can make me.

well, put it this way; I have more time than I have money!!!

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