Missing her dearly?!

Question: On the 11th of November 2004 one of my close family friends took her life.I'm 15 now and she was the person who I would go to about growing up and relationships and that sort of thing instead of my mother.I was closer to her than my mum.She was 23 so she remembered what it was like to be my age more so than my mum and she knows how times have changed.When she took her life i felt like a part of me was missing.When i was old enough to understand the reasons why she did this i began to get upset when suicide was mentioned and i found it hard to concentrate on things and i always think about her.My friends are always there for me but when i was on the verge of depression i began to self harm but no one understood that at the time it seemed the only way to ease the pain i felt inside. My first 2 years of high school I wasn't a happy chappy because i was teased by a group of guys ho have nothing better to do with there time.Pricks.

Answers: On the 11th of November 2004 one of my close family friends took her life.I'm 15 now and she was the person who I would go to about growing up and relationships and that sort of thing instead of my mother.I was closer to her than my mum.She was 23 so she remembered what it was like to be my age more so than my mum and she knows how times have changed.When she took her life i felt like a part of me was missing.When i was old enough to understand the reasons why she did this i began to get upset when suicide was mentioned and i found it hard to concentrate on things and i always think about her.My friends are always there for me but when i was on the verge of depression i began to self harm but no one understood that at the time it seemed the only way to ease the pain i felt inside. My first 2 years of high school I wasn't a happy chappy because i was teased by a group of guys ho have nothing better to do with there time.Pricks.

You need to open up to your bestfriends so they understand how your feeling.
You say you were on the verge of deppression? I wonder if you talked to a friend about it? I think not. You should trust your best friends enough to tell them EXACTLY how you feel. Write them letters or e-mails if its hard to talk in person.
They don't understand how you feel because they don't know because you don't tell them.
You weren't a happy chappy in high school? What about your friends? Don't they make you happy?
Everyone goes through hard times in their life, you just gotta take it as it comes, and sure it's gonna be damn hard and it's gonna hurt like HELL inside and no the pain will never completely dissapear, it will only fade as time goes by, but remember that you have friends who care about you and WONT fade as time goes by. Friends stick by you no matter what so have trust and faith in your friends and you will find faith in yourself that will help you get through what must me a very difficult time.

She was a good friend to you. My best friend died 11 years ago but I keep her alive by writing to her several times a week in my journal.
Try it, it was great therapy for me. After 11 years I still miss and will even in 30 I am sure.

You have had a hard time and grief is a very strange thing - it can come back quite a while after and feel as real as the moment you found out they had died. You need someone to talk to. See your doctor or a teacher you like and trust and see if they can suggest someone who can help. Don't keep it bottled up. Good Luck.

Get laid! You only live once!

It is normal to mourn for someone we cared about. It is even more difficult when it is someone who chose to take their own life. Please seek out a trusted adult, tell them about your self harming behaviors, your on going saddness/depression. It is important that you get some counseling NOW. As far as the boys go, they are being boys and not very mature ones at that. The one who laughed may have not known how else to react when you shared your feelings regarding your friend. Yes, it was a stupid thing to do (him) but try to let it go and focus on getting yourself into treatment. As one of the previous responders suggested, writing her notes in your journal may be very helpful. You will always have her in your heart.

You are in grief for your friend, and your reaction is completely normal. Suicide is different to losing someone in other ways. It is hard to come to terms with the fact that they didn't want to carry on.

I really think you need to talk to someone about how you feel, how much you miss your lovely friend, and how her death has been affecting you. It takes a lot of years to grieve for someone you love. It will get easier for you, but you must find some support.

Talking is a great healer.

Bless you x

first i want to say that I'm sorry for your lost, you must really miss her, sometimes life seems to spin out of control wen some one leaves you that you always had around to talk to you and gave you the attention that you need to have, you need to talk to a counselors at school and seek advice , because you still are hurting so much and your at a age, were you need to happy go lucky at your age I'm having having a hard time understanding how a 23 year old young lady could be in that much pain, to feel the only way out of it, is to take her own life shes with god now and you need to know that you need to live your life sweetie , no one can figure why people take their life but it happens ,please seek some therapy ,and don't listen to people to get over it ,because we all grieve in our own way, and don't worry about those nasty boys at school , there still so immature sweetie , god-bless you ,

Visit your school counselor.Those left behind after a suicide often feel guilt, believing that they should have recognised the signs, and done something, in time. Next year, just say you have a headache, on that anniversary, if anyone asks why you are quiet. GRIEF: Go to http://www.mind.org.uk/ and type "grief" in the taskbar, and enter. Call: (U.S.A.) 1800 445 4808, or Hospice (phone book). Email jo@samaritans.org Chatrooms and forums: http://www.chatmag.com/topics/health/gri... and http://talkingminds.15.forumer.com/ and http://messageboards.ivillage.com/ Other websites: http://www.griefnet.org/ and http://www.helpguide.org/ and http://www.mental-health-abc.com/ and http://www.boblivingstone.com/?q=node30 Understand that there are often several stages of grief.
The stages are:

Denial: The initial stage: "It can't be happening."
Anger: "Why ME? It's not fair?!" (either referring to God, oneself, or anybody perceived, rightly or wrongly, as "responsible")
Bargaining: "Just let me live to see my son graduate."
Depression: "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"
Acceptance: "It's going to be OK."

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