How do you not worry about what others think of you?!

Question: How do you not worry about what others think of you? I'm kind of a shy person and it's hard for me to come out of my shell at times. When I do get comfortable around someone I come more out of my shell, though I feel as though that I'm a goofy person with a strange personality. I don't know, I second guess my personality a lot, thinking that there is something wrong with me. This is why I'm quite a lot, because I'm afraid that people will think I'm weird if I come out of my shell and just be myself. How do you not worry about these kinda things?

Answers: How do you not worry about what others think of you? I'm kind of a shy person and it's hard for me to come out of my shell at times. When I do get comfortable around someone I come more out of my shell, though I feel as though that I'm a goofy person with a strange personality. I don't know, I second guess my personality a lot, thinking that there is something wrong with me. This is why I'm quite a lot, because I'm afraid that people will think I'm weird if I come out of my shell and just be myself. How do you not worry about these kinda things?

It's natural for people to be self conscious and wonder about how other people think of them. But the thing is that this is a dangerous game because by trying to second guess how the eyes of other people see you and and judge you, you are ascribing your own beliefs to other people and in fact actually judging yourself by what you perceive their standards and value judgements are.

The other thing is that it is easy to gain a reputation by doing nothing, because a reputation is simply the idea that other people have in their minds about you and if they are determined to think the worst about you, often there is little you can do to change their minds. You could be be a saint and if they were inclined to believe you were as bad as Hitler, nothing short of performing miracles would convince them you are a good person.

What's important is how you view yourself, your won personal integrity and honour. If you believe yourself to be a good person, worthy of respect, this will set the tone of how people treat you and the only sure fire way to build a reputation and change the way people view you. This is some truth to the law of attraction which is what the bestseller psychobabble self help book the Secret is based on. Think well of yourself and act in a positive, natural way, and people will be drawn to you and act in a positive way towards you.

If you spend all your time wondering what others are thinking about you then you won't learn ways to move on in life. Stop worrying about what they are wondering. Whatever reason they may have, its not worth it! I'm not saying ignoreing it, just think.

This is a very tough question. A lot of teenagers feel this way because they are going through so many emotions caused by their hormones, peer pressure, etc.

The first thing you need to do is obtain self-confidence. Look at your self-worth and focus on the positives. You should be comfortable with who you are. Once you obtain that, it should help you being around other people.

There is nothing wrong with being shy. I used to be shy as a child. I still am some of the time. It is just something you will have to work at daily. The more you socialize, the easier it may become.

What helped me was knowing that I am precious in God's sight, that he loves me soooo much. So much that He sent his Son to die for me, that's love. When I came to believe that, I no longer was bound by the opinion of others. I try to live my life to please Him, not others. If He thinks I'm awesome, the opinion of others doesn't matter.

Try being yourself. Those who like you for who you are, are the people who you should hang around with.

It's really simple. It's like "How do you not drink beer?" You don't drink beer by not buying the crap then drinking it. You stop worrying about the opinions of others by focusing on self and not them and turning the worry machine OFF!

A little logical reasoning and hard data might help you here. The human race consists in majorem of complete idiots. Odds are those that have such a low opinion of you are like the idiots they are judging merely by appearance, or your race or some other trivial difference between you and them. Maybe you wear glasses and are a "nerd". Big deal. Nerds usually earn 10 times what NON-nerds make! That pretty girl who laughs at your fat, is likely to end up pregnant and married to some drunken bum who beats her and end up working at Wallmart!

There is nothing more dumb than worrying about the opinion of IDIOTS! And High School is the place where appearance counts for everything and reality counts for nought!

I'm a compser and performer and like Nadja Solerno Sonnenberg a world class violin virtuoso, I've had mixed reviews. Some good, some awful. It is clear the awful reviews come from complete morons, so I pay them no mind, except some of the funnier ones I post on the wall! Great inspiration. Besides, ever noticed a strange fact about critics! None of them have a smidgin, an infintessimally small moticum of talent. They are devoid of art and usually devoid of intelligence to boot! They write a lot of crap which lazy people use to judge an artist without having to actually see for themselves! Those that can't do teach, they say. Those that can't do a Goddamned thing, become critics!

you need to be yourself and hold your head up high coz no one is better than you , even if they think they are xx

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