How do u stop an eating binge binge when u feel it coming?!

Question: Remember that your stomach is only about the size of your fist, (it can and does stretch) you could try drinking 500 - 700 mls of distilled water, that may help, coz Ive read somewhere that hunger pangs often are thirst so the water idea may help sometimes, then again hunger pangs only last for about 15 minutes so if you can make it thru those youll be clear for another few hours, its best to eat lots of small snacky meals as often as you can, like a banana, raisins, scroggin, nuts, grapes or an apple etc.

Answers: Remember that your stomach is only about the size of your fist, (it can and does stretch) you could try drinking 500 - 700 mls of distilled water, that may help, coz Ive read somewhere that hunger pangs often are thirst so the water idea may help sometimes, then again hunger pangs only last for about 15 minutes so if you can make it thru those youll be clear for another few hours, its best to eat lots of small snacky meals as often as you can, like a banana, raisins, scroggin, nuts, grapes or an apple etc.

Have a glass of water

get away from food.....walk

go for a walk in the park with headphones and a few bottles of water.

Drink a big glass of water and chew some gum.

chew gum, go for a really fast run around the block, have a shower, or call someone on the phone.

see doctor

chew gum. or eat a little something, then chew gum.

drink a tonnnn of water and eat something extremely filling like pasta. but god, i know how hard it is.

Exercise and water will help to stabilize your appetite, and will actually increase your energy levels. Healthier food will taste better, and your body will be more responsive in letting you know that you're food!

think about something else and walk away

I take an appetite suppressor or I just run the hell out of my cravings, I just turn that temptation and use it towards another "postive" energy.

I am a huge "binge-er". The only thing that works is to redirect your attention. Get outta the house and replace one preoccupation with another,.

Remember that cravings only last for a few minutes. Once you get through that, it'll go away. If you MUST give in, then do it in moderation, i.e. have ONE chunk of chocolate. If you want to surpress the craving then take some deep breaths and maybe have a glass of water.

Get away from the food - out of the house, preferably, where there is no food that's easily accessable. Go for a walk in your neighborhood, maybe.

if you are used to drinking one full glass of water, sit down and drink 2 glasses. you will be so full you will not want to eat anything for a while.

Pickles! Or a Gigantic Apple... it really works


I usually get those just before my time of the month & also a horrible pimple pops up GRRR !lol very annoying. Umm.. i can't prevent the binge since it's only natural to feel very hungry. Once it comes however you can stop yourself from gaining the extra pounds. Get a bunch of fruits, veggies, and tea bags at your reach. Once your binge comes you may have cravings for sweets, but to help prevent you getting to them just get all the sweets out of your house for that time or ask one of your loved ones to take them and hide them no matter what until like a week or so has passed. While you get really hungry just eat a bowl filled with various fruits and the water within the fruits will make you feel very full. This full feeling should last for a few hours and prevent you from eatingmore at the time. Tea is very good..tastes better then just drinking water & it also gets you fool fast. I had this major sweat tooth once when i came back from my cottage & was stuck eating very plain and unsatisfying food. I had a bunch of food in my house left over from a big meal my family had before the cottage trip. Everytime i craved cheese cake i'd just imagine me as a fat person & that would help a lot lol. Well .. it's okay to eat some, but limit yourself.

Get up, move around, do something you haven't done before, like learning a new skill. Make a real effort to change your habits of thought--maybe read stuff you've never been interested in before, find a new hobby, keep a daily journal of your thoughts and feelings, and then go back once in a while and read something you wrote a long time ago, so you can see how much you've changed!

I use DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy) skills. I was in a day-treatment program for a long time, learning how to get proficient at using these skills, but they are extremely helpful and you can learn them yourself with a little time & practice. I put in a link. Good luck, it isn't easy to break food habits.

I know this sounds weird but it works - brush your teeth! You get that yummy flavor of mint in your mouth and, since you now have a nice fresh mouth, you are less likely to put anything in it. I thought it was a crock until I actually tried it, and it works! Chewing gum only makes me hungrier and drinking water leaves me unsatisfied but toothpaste is sweet and minty and I find that sometimes just the flavor in my mouth will throw off the binge. Plus, if you do put anything in your mouth after you brush, the first bite will taste nasty and it will put you off as well. Good luck!

Most of your answerers so far have given good tips to help distract you. Distraction is good, but will never help you get over the reasons why you binge in the first place.
If you want to begin to figure out why you feel compelled to do it, and what you can do to fix the REAL problem, I would suggest getting a copy of the book "The Yo-Yo Syndrome Diet" by Doreen Virtue. She's a psychologist, and the book will help you discover what type of binger you are (there's 5 types) and how to over come it, and she outlines a very simple plan for eating also.
The fact that you put this question under the category 'mental health' instead of 'diet and fitness' shows that you already know it goes deeper than just distracting yourself and dieting.
Good luck. You're not alone.

Hi Jo
think you need to speak to someone.....I have and have had these symptons for years.....I use food to compensate for other things I'm lacking in my will be able to control it...but you need to build on your self esteem and the way you look at yourself....sounds easier than it is and thats why you need to speak to a doctor or confine in a friend or colleague....
Exercise is a natural suppressant but talking is the solution because if you cant get to grips with what is really troubling you... it could make it more difficult for you to do so later....
Be brave and speak to someone about there are lots of others like you out owe it to yourself to be happy and content with who you are......for you to come on here and ask anyone's advice means you are ready to make changes...good'll work out ok, trust me

I have had eating disorders in my life time. Here is my question. Do you starve yourself, or eat little food, and then find yourself binging?
Or are you binging because of anxiety? Drinking water and going for a walk is good. But when you binge. Keep a diary of when it happens and what you were feeling. And was it because you ate little food for a couple of days or is it anxiety. Please email me and keep me in touch. Until you know why, its hard to stop the cycle. I have been there.

chew straws.
that sounds really stupid, but if your doing that it takes your mind of the food.
or try eating ice instead.
drink a big glass of water, but that doesnt really help for very long.
if all else fails, make sure your binge is healthy

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