Chemicly imbalanced?!

Question: how do doctors know if your chemicly imbalanced (like depression is not a mood but a life long illness)

sumbody plz help

Answers: how do doctors know if your chemicly imbalanced (like depression is not a mood but a life long illness)

sumbody plz help

Depression can be diagnosed observationally (from outward appearances).

The root cause -- chemical imbalance in the brain -- can be tested by measuring blood levels of serotonin and other relevant molecules, and using diagnostic imaging equipment (CAT scan) to measure electrical activity in your head.

the chemicals in your brain trigger every feeling, emotion and thought in your life. when depression is experienced at regular patterns and not just from one traumatic or sad event then it is because of your brain chemistry. that's why they call it a chemical imbalance.

My doctor at first gave me a test to take to see if my answers proved I was depressed and how much, then he made me schedule an appointment every month to monitor my moods and determine which medication would work for me.

Generally, it's based on severity of the depression, whether there are life events that account for it, and if depression has occurred before. If there is not reason comparable to the severity, but it is the first time, the doc can only conclude that there's an indication the person may have a chronic problem. If significant depression has repeated without real reason, that's when a physical problem is assumed and recurring major depression is diagnosed.

Most people will experience a single depressive episode. For many it either does not last long or it is not severe enough to significantly impair functioning. Some experience it a little more severely. For these folks, therapy alone often would resolve the episode, but it's cheaper to hand out pills so that's what happens too often. Then there are people with serious depression than need meds and therapy, and others who experience depression multiple times in their lives. The last should be on meds perpetually and periodically see a therapist to avoid another episode.

Like in all mental illnesses, the doctor will ask certain question about what you feel. The way you answer these questions will tell a doctor more or less what your mental illness is. It also is a known fact that sometimes one is misdiagnosed, especially with depression. The doctor often will have to evaluate someone for a while before the proper diagnosis is reached. That is why it is so important to answer questions they give as honestly as possible and not hold anything back.

depression can be caused bya chemical imbalance...they give youy certain meds and the med adjusts levels in brain so you feel better...i've been there so try to get help if you need it

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