How can you tell if some one has add/adhd?!

Question: i was wondering

Answers: i was wondering

inattention ADHD......
Signs and symptoms of inattention may include:

* Often fails to pay close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork or other activities
* Often has trouble sustaining attention during tasks or play
* Seems not to listen even when spoken to directly
* Has difficulty following through on instructions and often fails to finish schoolwork, chores or other tasks
* Often has problems organizing tasks or activities
* Avoids or dislikes tasks that require sustained mental effort, such as schoolwork or homework
* Frequently loses needed items, such as books, pencils, toys or tools
* Can be easily distracted
* Forgetful often

Signs and symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsive behavior may include:

* Fidgets or squirms frequently
* Often leaves his or her seat in the classroom or in other situations when remaining seated is expected
* Often runs or climbs excessively when it's not appropriate or, if an adolescent, might constantly feel restless
* Frequently has difficulty playing quietly
* Always seems on the go
* Talks excessively
* Blurts out the answers before questions have been completely asked
* Frequently has difficulty waiting for his or her turn
* Often interrupts or intrudes on others' conversations or games
My son has this and its so very hard!...

Only a health professional (physician, psychologist, etc.) is qualified to make that determination.

However, here is a questionnaire that can help you decide whether or not this person should be evaluated for ADD/ADHD:

WebMD gives some of the following as symptoms of ADHD: is easily distracted, does not follow directions or finish tasks, does not appear to be listening when someone is speaking, does not pay attention and makes careless mistakes, loses things, is forgetful about daily activities, etc.,

I have a brother who has ADHD and is brilliant (as many people with the disorder are.) He has learned to cope well with his symptoms and is (now) med free. It is a perfectly manageable illness and doesn't have to be a disability.

you know i just had my 18teen year old reevaluation for ssi, shes bi-polar and the sociologist ask me if she was ever told that she has adhd and i said no that shes really kicked back and he said that that it didn't matter , he said her thinking process was all over the place were she couldn't follow along,,, and sometimes the mimics bi-polar , but she is bi-polar ,and shes Thu Orv and well be going to a college to be evaluated , and that should let me know if she does

You take them to the doctor for a diagnosis.

To tell if someone has ADHD, a psychiatrist or psychologist uses the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) and checks to see if you meet the requirements. It will say that a person must have at least ____ number of symptoms, and then it will list the symptoms. Only a professional is qualified to make such a diagnosis. As previously stated by someone else, there are several subtypes of ADHD: hyperactive, inattentive, and hyperactive/inattentive (both). For the record, ADD does not exist as a diagnosis any longer. It has been removed from the DSM.

Possible symptoms include:

Auditory distractibility

Involuntary short attention span

Taking far more time to complete a task than is required for most people


Good luck.

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