Can you guys suggest things that help people with bipolar?!

Question: I have tried various things and am wondering if people can suggest varioios things to do help with bipolar...activities,foods,songs,hobbies... you can think of


Answers: I have tried various things and am wondering if people can suggest varioios things to do help with bipolar...activities,foods,songs,hobbies... you can think of


I take omega 3s to help stabilise my moods. People with bipolar need at least 500mg of EPA everyday. You'd have to get ultra high strength stuff, or take 3 or whatever. You could also try to minimise the amount of caffeine and sugar you eat/drink and as always, no alcohol or drugs.

As for songs... try Strapping Young Lad. The lead singer is bipolar. Sometimes classical music is good too. It chills you/gets you moving without exerting too much pressure. I particularly like Vivaldi for depressive episodes and Schubert's Ave Maria for manics.

Hobbies; anything you can do consistently. Bipolar people are erratic, so a routine is always helpful. It would be unreasonable to assume that you'd keep the hobby up forever, but as long as there is something, then it helps to distract. Keep a list of things you like to do. This is especially good for depression. And keep a list of things you shouldn't do when you're manic. If you start doing things on the list, it's time to go get help.

Try to spend time with people, they'll help you to judge your mood level.

Edit: I've never heard of bipolar leading to schizophrenia... are you sure??

There are few things you can do to help with Bipolar Disorder.

I'll tell you a little about it first:

"Bipolar disorder is not a single disorder, but a category of mood disorders defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated mood, clinically referred to as mania. Individuals who experience manic episodes also commonly experience depressive episodes or symptoms, or mixed episodes which present with features of both mania and depression." (

The only treatment is mood stabilizing medication. You'll need to speak with a psychiatrist as soon as possible. Untreated Bipolar Disorder leads to Schizophrenia.

Here is more on the treatment:

"The first known and "gold standard" mood stabilizer is lithium,[64] while almost as widely used is sodium valproate,[65] originally used as an anticonvulsant. Other anticonvulsants used in bipolar disorder include carbamazepine, reportedly more effective in rapid cycling bipolar disorder, and lamotrigine, which is the first one to be shown to be of benefit in bipolar depression.[66]

Treatment of the agitation in acute manic episodes has often required the use of antipsychotic medications, such as Quetiapine, Olanzapine and Chlorpromazine. More recently, Olanzapine and Quetiapine have been approved as effective monotherapy for the maintenance of bipolar disorder.[67] A head-to-head randomized control trial in 2005 has also shown olanzapine monotherapy to be as effective and safe as lithium in prophylaxis.[68]

The use of antidepressants in bipolar disorder has been debated, with some studies reporting a worse outcome with their use triggering manic, hypomanic or mixed episodes, especially if no mood stabiliser is used. However, most mood stabilizers are of limited effectiveness in depressive episodes." (

let me seee......... i would say keep an ipod handy maybe with rock music or classical music i would prefer rock because classical may irritate you instead of calming you down and that wouldnt be good? also wear rubberbands on your hand and whenever u feel anxiety or something not right jus kinda pinch urself with the rubberband? can u email me and let me know if this helps or if u like the advice? thank you

I try to stay away from stressful stuff as in my mom and her drama. I do visit her but not for long.

Music with headphones with a candle burning is very relaxing. That way all you hear is the music and you can escape to your own little world. Plus you can't hear outside noises, the TV, phone and the racing thoughts tend to pause.

A hot bubble bath with a good book. I used to read a lot, but now I have joined my church and I do a lot with the groups in my church. It is less stressful and they don't know my illness and if they did they would not judge me.

Volunteer to work at the hospital or at a nursing home. The joy you get inside for helping them replaces the negative outlook you my have on your disorder. You will see yourself in a new light. Someone people will look up to you and see your kindness and not down on due to your illness.

Arts and crafts are good ideas. is a great place to hang out and do things. I used to spend a lot of time there instead of sitting around home having my pity parties.

I hope this helps.

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