Sister cutting herself?!

Question: My sister is 17 and has been cutting since she was 14. So 3years. She used to get picked on all the time. Now she believes everything that the bully said to her. She thinks she is such a ugly freak. She lied to her best friend saying she stopped. The last time she cut was last night. IDK what to do?

Answers: My sister is 17 and has been cutting since she was 14. So 3years. She used to get picked on all the time. Now she believes everything that the bully said to her. She thinks she is such a ugly freak. She lied to her best friend saying she stopped. The last time she cut was last night. IDK what to do?


Here Goes.


Right, Basically. You need to think about how awful your ''sister'' is feeling right now. It's scary to think what can go on. and belive me i know what can go on.
I know there is one feeling that your sister is definatly feeling right now. And that is..

Lonliness. (sp?)
It's an awful thing to feel,but people can't see this. Now even though she feels this way. a ton of people crowding round her asking if everything is ok is also the last thing she want's, she needs to talk to someone she trusts, And make sure this person is trustworthy, and if the best person that fits the bill is you, then it's your turn to take control and help her.
She needs to know that people are there for her, ( WHENEVER ) if that meant in the middle of the night if she needs someone, i mean feeling like this, which i could probably say myself is that she has depression, but who blames her.She needs people, love and security.
For the cutting, she may not be ready to let go and to stop doing it. I have some many scars pn my wrists and arms from doing it, i don't reget it, it's just a little awkward when someone looks at them, There like battlewounds, battles you have fought and well at the time it is the thing you control so at the time you think that you have ''Won'' but you haven't. Over time ''Hopefully'' She will stop doing this to herself. The more you try hiding the sharp objects the more appealing this all becomes to her, Stand by her but don't work against her.
Then finally, she will need help, Proffesional. Therapist/Counceller. It's the best way to overcome something this trumatic for her.
I'm limited but i do know how she feels.
I hope she gets better in the end

Email me if you want =]

why dont you talk to her or your parents about and tell them your really worried and want to help

She needs to see a doc... this is a warning sign of depression, abuse, or a psychiatric problem.

She needs professional help ASAP. Does she also have an eating disorder (anorexia or bulemia)? Many times they go hand-in-hand.

Let your parents know and let them take it from there. It's not your responsibility to take care of your sister. Hopefully from there, they can get your sister a therapist or some other form of help.

i cut myself for about 2 years.
i got help but afterwards i had tons of visible scars.
people still always look at me weird or ask my how i got them. trust me STOP HER NOW!!

You might need to change the people around here. like school..etc.

Is she ok write back to me.

Not much of anything you can do besides try to bolster up her self-esteem. You could tell parents if you think they'll get her into counseling. They only have until she's 18 to help her, then they can't make her go to counseling.

Get rid of all your sharp objects in your house...or help her to stop. Maybe she needs counselling if its been going for so long. Find out whats gotten her upset.

TELL HER PARENTS! she needs help as soon as possible! she's hurting herself and three years is a long time.

This is a tough one. I used to cut but my friend told her parents who told mine, worste night of my life. TALK TO HER. Ask her to stop. It probably wont do anything, but she can't call you a snitch after you tell her to stop. Tell her she isn't ugly. If she keeps cutting, tell her friend. Try to get her friend to get her to stop. If nothing works, tell your parents... She might hate you for it, but she could kill herself if she's not carefull.

Cutting is a serious illness that needs attention. It is not something one can 'overcome' or control on their own. There is a reason she seeks cutting and until she can resolve that, she puts herself in danger. You need to get your parents involved before she goes too far and seriously harms herself.

Tell the parents if she dosent stop soon it may come to the worst If you care for her at all you will tell them it could save her

Well, you need to understand that your sister is wacked out and needs help. Sorry, but that's about the size of it.

You can either tell your/her parents and let them deal with it, or stand by and do nothing. The choice is yours.

The question you have to ask yourself is...if something happens to her, can you live with yourself for not trying to get her help?

she need professional help--if your parents don't know--you need to tell them the truth-your sister will more than likely be mad at first but with help she'll come around--she's hurting herself and it could go further eventually if someone doesn't get her help. Tell your parents and if they won't listen or don't believe you, tell some other adult you trust (school counselor or someone like that.) Good luck honey

Sister, you need to sit down and talk with your parents. Tell them what your sister is doing and that you don't know how to help her.

I know this isn't what you want to hear, but it is what is best for your sister. Your sister is under an illusion of control. But cutting involves obsessive-compulsive disorder. The obsessions are the things she thinks (that monster in her head) and the compulsion is the need to cut to relieve the pain of the obsessions.

A doctor can prescribe ocd medications that will take the edge off the obsessive thoughts and the need to cut. Then a counselor can help her find healthier ways of dealing with the bully and other hurtful people in her life.

Your sister is quite lucky to have someone who cares about her like you do. God bless you!

Pastor John

Edit: You said your sister and her parents, so I take it this is a step parent situation. How do you tell them? I would just be honest with them. Tell them about the monster in her head and the bully. Tell them you have hesitated, because she said she could control it. But after last night when she cut again you know that they (her parents) need to help her. Tell them that it is a compulsion that she cannot control and that she may need both medication and counseling to help her deal with it.

But whatever you do, tell them. I have talked with a number of cutters online. With help, all have done it on their own for up to a month or so. But eventually the obsessive thoughts and the need to cut always wins. Until she has the medical support, she is in a dangerous situation.

Talk to your sister about it and tell her you're very concerned for her health , you love her, she is beautiful, etc, and that SHE should should go to your guys' mom or dad (whichever she is more comfortable with) and tell them about it. If she doesn't do that, you're gonna have to tell your parents. I know it will feel like you're being a tattletale but if your sister isn't careful, just one cut could go too deep and she could die. Even if she doesn't die, she is leaving scars all over her body that she will have to live with for the rest of her life. (and that's the absolute worst part of recovering from a self-injury problem..seeing those scars every damn day).

You're gonna have to be the mature one in order to help your sister. I hope once your parents find out about it, they will get her help. Much luck, and I hope your sister gets better and realizes she is beautiful.

you should do something with her to keep her mind off of everything for awhile like go to the mall, go see a movie, etc. and tell her if she doesn't stop you're going to have to tell her parents because you're worried. i don't think "professional help" is the best choice, usually that makes you even more depressed.

the best thing to do is go to her parents and get her to a counselor or help to help her stop or something.

my sister is 14 and cuts herself. shes thinks shes ugly and fat and doesnt eat right. get a councelling service involved, its what were trying to do. dont put too much pressure on her, let her talk in her own time and just support her stopping.

Talk to her kindly without making her feel like you are judging her. Tell her that what that bully said or says means nothing because they are just words. Tell her that the bully is immature and is simply frustrated about life and feels the need to take things out on others to make his/her-self feel better. Tell her that by cutting herself, she is only hurting and scarring herself for life and that although it may feel as though she has some control over her emotions by hurting herself, that it is only a temporary solution that could turn deadly. Tell her you care about her and that the bully is nothing compared to her because that bully has a need to hurt and control others because he or she cannot control everything in their lives so they must resort to controlling what everyone else feels. Talk to a counselor or doctor without giving too much detail of who it is and ask for more advice if it continues even after you have talked to your sister. If their advice does not help, go to your parents, teachers and counselors to do some sort of intervention.

She is hearing voices and needs to see a physciatrist right away so that she can get on medication! Its called schizophrenia

Tell your parents and a school counselor or teacher you really trust. Let them know you are very concerned. She needs help that you can't provide by yourself.
Definitely go to the following website b/c it talks all about what you can do.

Your sister is displaying many of the signs of a trauma survivor. It is very likely that she experienced some type of abuse, possibly even at a very young age.

You are absolutely right that you have to tell your parents about this. It is their responsibility and their job to take care of your sister.

The best situation though would be for your sister to seek help herself. Try to convince her to talk to her parents or if she won't then encourage her to go to a teacher, a school counselor, or any trusted adult in her life. If she refuses, then you should go immediately to your parents.

i think your sister needs help very badly,can you talk to her,and will she listen? youve got to tell your parents that she needs help and quickly,get them to take her to a doctor for help.or have a priest or a rabbi ,or the schools guidance counselor ,you should really have a family meeting to see whats to be done next,your sister will keep n doing this to herself,its a cry for help and no one is listening,please do something before she really cuts herself in a vulnerable spot like her wrists and then shell really be in a bad way.get her help asap!

It must be awful for you but I just want to say that when I was a teenager I used to cut myself, I had depression and I was picked on at school. I used to cry and want to die every day and wouldn't go out the house.

Now I'm normal. And happy :] I didn't even take meds or anything, it just went away by itself. Not saying your sister's will though, so hopefully she's seeing a counsellor or someone useful.

Two hands distance options...

You can approach the school nurse or if you share a pediatrician, you can call your doctor and mention your concern.

We are all different people and humans, we are all beautiful even if you look like me...

you should talk to your parents about it. but don't let your sister know. or you could show her that you are worried about her and you will help her get over this pain. you need to comfort her and tell her that what she is doing is hurting you to. i used to get picked on a lot, but after a while i just started not to care about all the harsh words they said about me so they left me alone. and if your sister really was an ugly freak why would she have friends that cared about her and have such a loving sister. i hope this advice helps your sister

Hi first of all it is good that your sister has confided in you and I think you need to sit down with her and discuss about her telling the parents for someone who is cutting themselves control is an important part of the recovery so ask her to tell the parents, offer to support her whilst she tells them, if she finds it too difficult suggest she writes it in a note to them, reassure her that you will support her and be there for her as the parents reaction may be one of shock and this will be difficult for your sister if she refuses to tell them then ask her to tell a responsible adult who she trusts, she really needs to speak out to someone herself but that does not mean you cannot help her to do so, if she refuses to seek help then you may feel you need some help with this so you will have to seek advice from an adult who you trust, you cannot stop your sister from harming if you hide all sharp stuff she'll find another way to harm herself she needs to work through the issues which are making her harm herself which is always a difficult thing to do

i've seen it more often that people who cut themselves say that its the only thing they can controll. Yet she should know they cannot controll it since something is causing her to do this. its sometimes has to do with relieving themselves as in getting their emotions out. your sis defenately needs help with this because she most likely cannot recover from this on her own, especially since its been going on for 3 years already. try to get her the help she needs. is there someone in school who can help her dealing with this? anyone else? just get her the help she needs because then she will be able start dealing with these emotions in a different way

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