How can I stop binge eating when I'm sad?!

Question: I always end up stuffing myself uncomfortably full without even realizing it when I'm upset, it's like I have no control. This wouldn't be so awful if I wasn't trying to lose 10 pounds as it is. Is there anyone with this problem who has found something to help you??

Answers: I always end up stuffing myself uncomfortably full without even realizing it when I'm upset, it's like I have no control. This wouldn't be so awful if I wasn't trying to lose 10 pounds as it is. Is there anyone with this problem who has found something to help you??

It is a funny thing about control and eating. We eat because we think it is something we can control and do, but of course, we can't control the outcome which is that we feel sick after and gain weight.

The interesting thing is this: The control in this instance is to control the *impulse* to eat and to not do it. By controlling this, we actually control the only thing we can in this scenario.

To show ourselves that we can control the desire/impulse to eat, we exert **real** control and thus feel better about ourselves. You could find another outlet such as walking, running, punching a heavy bag, reading, etc. etc., or you could simply revel in the idea that you showed the ultimate control - the control over an urge.

Stop Eating!!!

i have the same problem
honestly the only thing you can do ismaybe keep less junk food around and keep healthy food that you like around
it jelps.becasue healthy food fill you up faster youl not be able to eat as much and you wnt gain as much weight

you need self control sweety.
chew gum when your sad,that way you won't want to eat.
tell yourself,and make yourself belive its not okay to eat everytime your sad.your brain has a very strong part to do with you deciding what to everytime your sad and you get hungry,simply say to yourself "no i will not eat." and eventually,you wont :).either that or you can find something els to listen to music,eat vegetables/fruits,any sort of distraction would do

i know that feeling you have to stop or next is going to be binging and purging, you know is wrong and you are going to feel worse if you gain more weight so stop now don't make excuses.

i used to have this exact problem, except it wouldnt be just when i was sad that i would binge. itd be basically every day.

whatever you do, dont try to restrict yourself too much. I found that whenever i restricted myself, id end up eating more than i usu. would have. im not sure if this'll work for you, but i just ate it out. for a few months, i binged. and slowly, i began to eat regularly. shortly after, i decided that if i wanted to eat more, i had to exercise. so now i exercise daily,eat a lot of food, and still maintain a healthy weight. ppl are always telling me how thin i am. and now, i never eat until im uncomfortably full. you have to learn about your stomach. never eat until youre really full. eat only until youre satisfied.

some things that helped me along the way:
-friends told me i wasnt fat --> this encouraged me. i found that when i put myself down, id binge even more.
-family didnt buy so much junk food--> surprisingly, when the food's not there, youre not as tempted.
-my mindset--> i changed the way i thought. losing weight isnt what's important. scales are horrible ways of determining whether youre skinny or not. so try to avoid them and instead, work on buildng up muscle! guys like toned girls :]

You definitely need to seek professional help if you find that you cannot control your eating habits on your own. Do not hesitate to seek help as early treatment can help you a much happier person.

Read this blog to get more info about eating disorders

you may not be able to...but you can choose what you have that binge on I choose Spanish leaves....also I pick up my knitting needles and start knitting it keeps my fingers busy so try the binge on something extremely low cal....and find something you like to do to keep your fingers busy I'll keep u in my prays and you'll come out of it soon honey, and you'll be OK bless you.

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