How can i have my mom put into a rehab center for alcoholism ??!

Question: she is ruining my life and her own.I am way over 18

Answers: she is ruining my life and her own.I am way over 18

The truth can not force an addict into getting sober. They have to make that choice for themselves. I am currently reading a book called "Love First:A new approach to intervention for alcoholism and drug addiction" by Jeff Jay and Debra Jay and I definitely recommend it.

My boyfriend is an active alcoholic and it is so bad that I am starting to look into an intervention before he kills himself. After his 3rd alcohol related traffic arrest, they made him go to outpatient rehab and AA meetings. Guess what that did...made him drink twice as much...even before AA meetings.

This book explains how to do an intervention focusing on the 'love' part of "tough love" instead of the more common focus on the 'tough' part. It challenges the common thought that they won't get help until they are ready, with the question "what gets them ready?"

She can only be forced into rehab if she is a danger to herself or others. if that is the case you should be able to have the police "chapter" her (put her in the hospital)

impossible. you might be able to have her committed if she is really a danger to herself or others (and that is usually about a 72 hour hold) but otherwise, you are SOL.

if you are over 18, get away from her. far far away and GET YOUR BUTT TO ALANON NOW.... NOW NOW NOW ALANON.

If she is a danger to herself, others or gravely disabled, you might be able to get her into a psychiatric hospital against her will. It is actually very hard to get this done. Better to work with her to get her cooperation in getting treatment. You might talk with Alcoholics Anonymous about how you mlight do this. Good luck.

You can't force her any where. She has to hit bottom before she can help herself. Let her a lone and she will see what she has to do for herself to see you or the rest of the family.

Move out and move on. Leave her alone. Make one last offer to help her get treatment in a live-in rehab facility. If she says no, say bye and don't look back.

She wants you to hang in there and be her enabler, even if it ruins your life. You have to have the strength to say NO.

Get counselling for yourself to overcome the negative effects of having an alcohol dependent parent.

When your mother is ready to quit, she'll find a way. If she doesn't, eventally she'll get sick and die. Chronic alcohol abuse ends is death. It's not your fault. None of it's your fault. It is your mother's problem.

When she calls you for help, take somebody with you to intervene. Arrange this ahead of time and once she lets you in these people are trained to talk to alcoholics. After she gets clean and sober, she will be a whole different person. I promise you. Go to AL-ANON

You can't have her 'put' in a rehab against her will, a court could if she had charges, but if she doesn't want to go then you can't force her. That is the very unfortunate thing with Alcoholism-it's legal, despit ruining more lives than drugs & causing more deaths than drugs. Until she accepts she has a problem she won't change, you can't make someone get better, it has to come from within them, they have to want to do it. Courts can force people into rehab but unless the person really wants to change the rehab won't work-I know this because I was forced into them in my late teens, it didn't work, I was still an addict for 24 years. The authorities stepped in & took my kids off me & still rehab didn't work, because I only went because 'I had to' everyone expected me to do the right thing, trouble was I wasn't confident enough to think I could cope with lifes problems on my own (without drugs), I thought 'why bother' I'll fail anyway & it didn't work. Finally, after they told me my kids would be placed in permanent foster care until each 18, I woke up to myself. I'm now rehabilitated after a lot of intense therapy & my kids are coming home very soon. I think all you can do with your mum is sit down & instead of lecturing her, take a different approach. Tell her how worried & concerned you are & it hurts you to see her like this & you love her & if you didn't care you wouldn't be this worried. Offer her your support & try to find out what the actual reason is why she drinks so much. Mine was lack of self-esteem, depression & a fear of feeling my emotions, once I dealt with these issues I wanted to stop using drugs because I felt better about myself. Once you find out the areas in her life she's struggling with you can help her in that way, encourage her to get help with the actual underlying causes, for eg if she is lonely help her get out more to meet others, if she's usually angry & irritable maybe an anger management class or relaxation exercises could help. Once you start improving the underlying issues the drinking may slow down, or it may atleast make her more aware & help her to face other issues. Rehabilitation Centre is a scarey word-it means 'I can't drink anymore' & that may be too much for her to face up to in one hit. A gradual change may work better. The main thing is to offer her your support through the process as it will be hard for her. By the way, she can't ruin your life-you are letting her behaviour affect you & interfere with your life, you're choosing to let her actions bother you. You need to take responsibility for yourself & don't allow her to be the cause of your life problems either, so many people blame others for making them miserable, we feel miserable due to our thoughts about the person/situation. Maybe you could offer to go along to an AA Meeting or SMART Recovery meeting(New) with her. I would suggest you may even like to invite her to a family/relationship counselling session together where you will have added support to tell her your concerns. Hope this helped. Good luck

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