Anyone else out there depressed?!

Question: I live in the Midwest, US, and the weather has been so dark, wet, and cold. I don't know if this is pulling me down or not because I suffer from depression anyway.
When I get off work I am so worn out it's all I can do to get home, peel off my clothes, put on my PJ's and head for the couch.
I take 20 mgs of Paxil, which I've taken for many years, but it just doesn't seem to be doing the job. Plus it's stolen my sex drive and I've gained 50lbs in the last year.
So my b/f lives with a fat, depressed, girlfriend with no sex drive. He hasn't said anything but I'm sure it's wearing on him.
I need help and FAST. I just don't know who to turn to anymore.

Answers: I live in the Midwest, US, and the weather has been so dark, wet, and cold. I don't know if this is pulling me down or not because I suffer from depression anyway.
When I get off work I am so worn out it's all I can do to get home, peel off my clothes, put on my PJ's and head for the couch.
I take 20 mgs of Paxil, which I've taken for many years, but it just doesn't seem to be doing the job. Plus it's stolen my sex drive and I've gained 50lbs in the last year.
So my b/f lives with a fat, depressed, girlfriend with no sex drive. He hasn't said anything but I'm sure it's wearing on him.
I need help and FAST. I just don't know who to turn to anymore.

I can't give you any medical advice, of course, but DO go see your doctor about this.
I have seasonal swings, too. I hated Paxil. It didn't work for me. I do take Welbutrin, and while I came out of my first depression without treatment, the second lasted six months before I sought treatment, then another six months before we got the right meds. Welbutrin worked after a couple of months, but the sun increased, too, by then. (So did the sex drive).

Get physically active. Walking 20 minutes a day is a good way to start. Work up to 30, and go as fast as you can. Aim for 2 miles in 30 minutes, but don't beat yourself up if that isn't where you start. Just do the best you can and congratulate yourself for making the effort. Don't worry about how you look. This is something you are doing for yourself. By the end of the week, you'll feel better. Every day you get out you'll feel better for at least a while, just for getting out. You don't need any special gear except a coat and hat and gloves against the weather.

If you get any time with sun at all, get outside for 15 minutes, and let the sun shine on your face or arms and hands. If it's warm enough, your back is also a good place, and it doesn't age your face the way it will if you let it right on your face. But the face is better than nothing.

Talk to him about how he feels. He is still with you, so he must have some level of commitment. Thank him for his patience, and ask him if he can walk with you. Exercise also increases the sex drive a bit.

I know how hard it is to get motivated even to seek help, but if you don't take care of yourself, no one else will. You are worth the effort of seeing your doctor, getting that walk, having that talk. And remember, it is March. April will bring more sun.

Take care of yourself.

you need to get laid!

I'm having a pretty lousy day myself.

heres what you got to do,
you got to think positive!
tell your doctor that paxil
isn't working and that its
made you gain weight,
and they can help ya.
but all i know is that you
should take a look at what
you have right now, if you are
scared of losing you b/f than
do something about it!!!
**don't feel bad about yourself,
i did that same thing, and it got
me nowhere but another 50lbs.
trust me, just think positive!**

Well, I'm no professional but it's time that you find something in your life worth celebrating, even if it's just knowing and realizing you are part of this creation of the universe and are a unique person that is a good person I'm sure. So, go out and enjoy a good walk in the outdoors and celebrate life and learn to love yourself. You are the only "yourself" in this world, pretty neat! Learn to know who you are and how wonderful you are!

You need to change your med's. Same happened to me, with Cymbalta, and they changed me to WellbutrinXL, and I am doing somewhat better losing the weight now, not tired anymore, sex drive has gotten somewhat better. Good Luck!

If your medication isnt working I would suggest trying a new one. I have gone through so many meds and I finally found some that work. I hear ya when it comes to that dark and wet weather I just want to fall asleep till spring comes. I started to push myself to go outside for walks then building up to runs. So talk to your doctor and let him/her know that this has gone too far for you and you would like to get your life back.

As someone mentioned Wellbutrin above that stuff will def give you energy and you probably would lose weight.

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