How do you cope when you are stressed out and under pressure?!

Question: Liz if you are depressed again pick up the phone and talk to your friends. A problem shared is a problem halved.

Answers: Liz if you are depressed again pick up the phone and talk to your friends. A problem shared is a problem halved.

music and just taking some time to yourself is probably the best way

I take time to read everyday, sometimes Ill take a lawn chair and put it in my backyard, then Ill sit there and just read.


The best thing to do is to do yoga to relieve the mind and take away the stress. Do cool down exercises to loosen your muscles, and drink honey with warm water every moring. This will sooth your soul and you will have no stress.

Take time off from what ever is stressing you out and do something you enjoy. Surf the internet, listen to music, go for a drive. Trying to do anything while stressed out is usually non-productive, so un-stress yourself before you try again!

definitely listening to music and just relaxing. go in your room, turn on some soft music, light candles, and just lay down. try to make yourself comfortable and relax! :)

Dark chocolate and music

I COMPLETLY forget about it all for a little and do whatever i want!!

Eat some junk food, watch a film and then when i start my work i feel much better, though relaxing is often easier said then done!!

Try having a bubble bath and having a box of chocolates next to you whilst working!

I hoep this helps!

Grab all your mates and go do what you do best. Always works. Maybe go tell that boy you've had your eye on how you feel. Have a sleepover and just play silly childish games that make you laugh.

Video games and driving too fast while blaring music lol. Everyone is different, though. You need to find an activity that clears your mind and allows you to concentrate on something besides whatever you're stressed out about.

drugs. lots of drugs.

listen to smooth or jazz music and snooze .. or you can also do yoga it really helps.

Poteen! and girls with black hair mmmmmmmmmmm.

hey eliza don't worry
just take a close deep breath when feel so
have sme yog steps and u will feel really good
just think always of the moment of life>
and ofcurse remember me when u feel alone ........

My life is constant stress between health and lack of work , to family troubles and weather.
I deal with my stress through writing my poetry. Going to a quiet , and desertted place or corner of my back yard where no one can see me , except God. I take my walkman/cd player and notebook or clipboard with a few pens and a book or The Holy Bible with me. ( I do take my cell phone with me, but don't use it, unless I'm away from my home and get hurt) . I leave the world behind me during this time. As it is just me, my music and my own words being shared with God and nature around me., I also loved to draw cartoon characters. To make myself laugh. I will draw things like Bart Simpson in a bikini or Homer in a tutu, etc.
I'f I'm inside because of weather problems, Then I bake some sweets up like cookies, banana bread/ pumpkin Bread, or cakes and pies etc. Again I'll turn on the music. Then when the treats are done. I'll take a glass of milk and eat some while they're still hot , if possible, and savor the sweetness of it. I know this doesnt chase those stressers and struggles away, but it sure puts them on the back burner for a while insitead of up front on full boil.
I have to find some kind of things to destress my life that way. As because of my health, and family histories with heart attacks, and cancers. or in my own life, Epilepsy , from the mistake of a dr, and a brain tumor from that mistake. I have to alleviate the stress however I can without getting 1005 relaxed, just ease up the tension. As getting completely relaxed will affect my health in a negative way.

I like to read..Right now I am reading Eat, Pray, Love, and it is amazing...It makes me realize that I don't have it that bad after all! I also look for inspirational Bible quotes, those always lift my spirits a ton...If none of that is an option, hopping in my car, turn on some soothing music, and just taking some good deep breaths releases my stress too...Oh and I can't forget lighting candles, that def. is a stress reliever after a long day.

Haah! :)
I discontinue what i was doing, at first then;Go and drink a glass of water,then Iie down or confine myself to my room;sit alone in an easychair; or outdoors at a favourite spot.And I pray for the problem to be solved .Even when there is nothing to worry about but I feel bad,I do this and this works for me.

stress is when your tummy says no way and your mouth says no problem. i comfort eat.then i get up and do a s@it load of housework and get it out of my system. it always works for me

There are three things that will at least help you:

Black Chocolate
Smooth music
and Yoga

And just some words more:
Don't worry, be happy!

Depending on the level of stress and pressure......I will try to cope through music, prayer, watching comedy movie, crying or letting the steam out by talking to my dear one.

i tend to go rather quiet, but if it really gets bad then i take myself out and go for a drive

A nice long soak in the bath and an early night, also talking can help, you know where i am, if you need me

close eyes and deepbreath slowly .



watch a action movie

slap random person in face

video games

drive over speed limit

Best answer right??

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