Sexual abuse/molestation?!

Question: Besides the obvious (therapy) what are some coping mechanisms outside of therapy that I can do?

I am 23 and when I was a kid I was molested and I used to be a self injurer (statistics show that several self injurers have been molested or abused in a traumatic sense)... and every now and then I still slip up. Trust me I dont want to, and I am in the process of healing as best I can...

But sometimes logical means of coping (painting, drawing, writing, even a good ole cry) doesnt help when its one of those haunting days.

I know this question may seem too personal too put up here, but I would really love some coping suggestions... outside of the obvious ones (which I do value the obvious ones... )

Ok this was an awkward question!
But thanks in advance.
And pretty please no smart alic comments on this type of question to those that might be tempted.

Answers: For me, it was having someone to talk about it with who had been through a similar situation..I now go around a volunteer at shelters as a "listener"..I find that helpful as well..I am glads you seem to be coming along well, it is a long traveled road..I am 34 years old and still have nightmares(not as often) and just plain bad days..I commend you for knowing the right steps to take and not giving up on yourself..good luck and if you ever need to vent, shoot me an email..

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