Schizophrenia and family life?!

Question: Schizophrenia and family life!?
I've been dating a guy for a couple of months, and everything seems wonderful!. He's respectful and caring, very intelligent, has a positive outlook on life, has a stable job and advanced degree!.
But: he's not allowed to drive a car!. Not a big deal!. But the reason is he reported himself a while ago to a doctor and now he's on the record (it's not US, so it might work differently) So yeah!.
I like the guy a lot, but my mom tells me that I should run as fast as I can because if he were to kill me he won't even go to jail!.
My question is - should I listen to my mom!? How bad is it to be married to a person suffring from this desease!? I simply want to know what would I be getting myself into and I want to think first can I handle it or not!. You can call me shallow if you need to!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Schizophrenia can be a very complicated and scary condition!. But, fortunately it can be controlled with a variety of medications today!. My brother suffered from this and in his case, I don't believe he could have married and lived a relatively normal life like you or I!. But everyone is different and with the medicine they have today, it can be controlled!. Also, with alot of loving support from family and friends, can make a world of difference!. It's sad for some to have the idea to stay away from these people, when what they need most is loving support and good medical care!. Remember the movie, Beautiful Mind!? An example!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

the thing with schizophrenia is that as long as they take their medication they are fine, but unfortunately when they feel fine, they usually think they no longer need their medication and soon the symptoms reappear!. They must stay on their medication continually!.
Yes your mother has reason to worry about you, it is extreme, however I had a cousin whose husband shot her in the head, then shot himself!. A terrible tragedy, he was on and off of his medications and had had several in hospital stays on the psych unit, his I think was an extreme example!. But something you should consider!.
Good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

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