Has anyone had personal experience of post traumatic stress.?!

Question: Has anyone had personal experience of post traumatic stress!.!?
i am doing a presentation to highlight post traumatic stress for college diploma and would like to use your experiences soley for this purpose i will not distribute the information in any other way!.thank youWww@Answer-Health@Com

I found out I have ptsd about 5 months ago!. It's resulting from being molested as a very young child!. My first memories of the abuse was when I was only 3!. It lasted for about 10 years !. It was done by my grandfather !.My whole life has been a struggle of fear and torment !.Just writing this I get shaky !.I've always felt like there's something wrong with me, and the feelings of worthlessness I have never lived without !. My soul is black with anger and hate and misery !. I have fear of life !. I do not function like the normal everyday life or person !. I can't drive I can't work I can't leave the house alone, and I am 27 !. My family has rejected me !.!. They are ashamed of me !. They think I should be over and past this by now,and have all of what they have!. I belived them until I was brave and went to a theripist !. She told me I have ptsd!. I just thought this is wounderful because now I have a path to take steps foward on to healing !. I do now have hope for me to live and accomplish all my dreams !. ThanksWww@Answer-Health@Com

I suffered PTSD after my cancer diagnosis!. My symptoms were anxiety, short temper, lack of humor, unable to focus/pay attention/ increased startle response, and a complete paralysis in planning more than a week into the future!. I couldn't renew magazine subscriptions, couldn't order new checks, even had trouble buying food in bulk because I kept thinking I would be dead before it all got used and then what would my husband do!?

I was treated with Wellbutrin for a little over a year!. I'm how no longer on the drug and have started a marathon training program to handle the stress in a healthier way!.

Good luck with your work!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I suffered from PTSD after two terrible car accidents about 2 months apart!. I did not ride in the car if it was dark, raining, or if someone I'd never ridden with before was driving for about a year!. (neither of the wrecks were in the rain or with someone I'd never ridden with before!.) Any time I did ride in the car I'd basically freak out and stay WAAY too far back and slam on my breaks if I thought someone was going to pull out in front of me!. I suffered from recurring nightmares, severe anxiety, and often had flashbacks!. I became very withdrawn and isolated!. I was medicated to help me with the anxiety and it really didn't help!. I still have days where I have to stop the car if it starts raining b/c I just freak out- I guess it's way better- no flashbacks anymore but I always think I'm gonna die whenever I drive!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Check out the PSTD web page at first it was thought it was only a Vietnam war problem then over the years its come to light that any one who went to any war experiencing it!.
Its also know that People who have been traumatized from a robbery or bad car accident can also suffer the same thing!.
MRI test can show here the brain is damaged!.
These break through have amazed me in the last few yearsWww@Answer-Health@Com

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